Optional ID for the portlet. This defaults to twinkle-${portletName.toLowerCase()}
if unspecified
Name displayed on the portlet
Tooltip shown when hovering on the portlet
The name of the module, used to check if the user has the module disabled
Add menu portlet
Add a preference to this module's preference group
Gets wikitext of the tag to be added to the page being nominated.
Creates this.params.templateParams, an array of objects each object representing the template parameters for a criterion.
Creates this.params.utparams, object of parameters for the user notification template
Insert tag text on to the page. If they need to go at a location other than the very top of the page, override this function.
If validation fails, returns a string to be shown to user via alert(), if validation succeeds, doesn't return anything.
Return a PreferenceGroup with the preferences added by this module
Generated using TypeDoc
Set of links shown in the bottom right of the module dialog. Object keys are labels and values are the wiki page names.