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Namespace Twinkle

Defined as a namespace: anything that's exported from here (such as addInitCallback) is accessible from outside (as Twinkle.addInitCallback) Other items (like initCallbacks) can only be accessed from within here



Let activeSpecialPages

activeSpecialPages: string[] = ...

List of special pages where Twinkle is active.

Let changeTags

changeTags: string = ''

Custom change tag(s) to be applied to all Twinkle actions, create at [[Special:Tags]] Use of changeTags is recommended over summaryAd as it enables better usage tracking, however summaryAd is set by default as it doesn't require creation of a tag

Let extraMwMessages

extraMwMessages: string[] = []

List of additional MediaWiki messages to be fetched.

Let messageOverrides

messageOverrides: Record<string, string> = {}

Override twinkle-core messages - such as for places where the wiki's processes need to be mentioned and thus are not suitable to be included as translations.

Let preModuleInitHooks

preModuleInitHooks: (() => void | PromiseLike<void>)[] = []

List of functions that to be run before any modules are initialised. If a function returns a promise, it will be awaited. Ensure that the promise resolves. Twinkle modules will not be initialised if any of these functions throws an error or returns a rejected promise.

Let preModuleInitHooksWithConfig

preModuleInitHooksWithConfig: (() => void | PromiseLike<void>)[] = []

Initialisation hooks that can access the user config via getPref(). These are executed after the user config is loaded and before modules are initialised. If a hook returns a promise, it will be awaited.

Let registeredModules

registeredModules: typeof TwinkleModule[] = []

List of registered modules

Let scriptName

scriptName: string = 'Twinkle'

Localised script name

Let summaryAd

summaryAd: string = ...

Text appended to all edit summaries and log summaries for Twinkle actions. This is automatically used by Twinkle.page if changeTags isn't specified above. This may also be used manually for any actions that don't support use of change tags.

You'd want to override this, providing a link to the local project page about Twinkle.

Let userAgent

userAgent: string = ...

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