Optional adminonly
adminonly: boolean
Optional checked
checked: boolean
Optional className
className: string
Optional disabled
disabled: boolean
Optional event
event: (event: QuickFormEvent) => void
Type declaration
- (event: QuickFormEvent): void
Optional extra
extra: any
Optional hideInNamespaces
hideInNamespaces: number[]
Optional hideSubgroupWhenMultiple
hideSubgroupWhenMultiple: true
Optional hideSubgroupWhenSingle
hideSubgroupWhenSingle: true
Optional hideSubgroupWhenSysop
hideSubgroupWhenSysop: true
Optional hideSubgroupWhenUser
hideSubgroupWhenUser: true
Optional hideWhenMultiple
hideWhenMultiple: true
Optional hideWhenRedirect
hideWhenRedirect: true
Optional hideWhenSingle
hideWhenSingle: true
Optional hideWhenSysop
hideWhenSysop: true
Optional hideWhenUser
hideWhenUser: true
Optional label
label: string | Node | (string | Node)[]
Optional list
list: quickFormElementData[]
Optional maxlength
maxlength: number
Optional multiple
multiple: boolean
Optional name
name: string
Optional readonly
readonly: boolean
Optional redactContents
redactContents: true
Optional required
required: boolean
Optional selected
selected: boolean
Optional shiftClickSupport
shiftClickSupport: boolean
Optional showInNamespaces
showInNamespaces: number[]
Optional size
size: string | number
Optional style
style: string
Optional tooltip
tooltip: string
Optional type
type: QuickFormElementType
Module for tagging pages for speedy deletion and for admins to delete pages. Can also delete the talk page, delete redirects, and unlink backlinks while deleting.