
 * Utilities for the window context. DOM, rendering, visual effects, user input, etc.
 * @module utilsWindow

import Button from './Button';
import ElementsTreeWalker from './ElementsTreeWalker';
import Parser from './Parser';
import cd from './cd';
import { parseWikiUrl, isInline, removeFromArrayIfPresent } from './utils-general';

 * @typedef {object} WrapCallbacks
 * @property {Function} *

 * Wrap a HTML string into a `<span>` (or other element) suitable as an argument for various
 * methods. It fills the same role as
 * {@link OO.ui.HtmlSnippet}, but
 * works not only with OOUI widgets. Optionally, attach callback functions and `target="_blank"`
 * attribute to links with the provided class names. See also
 * {@link external:jQuery.cdMerge jQuery.cdMerge}.
 * @param {string} html
 * @param {object} [options={}]
 * @param {WrapCallbacks} [options.callbacks]
 * @param {string} [options.tagName='span']
 * @param {boolean} [options.targetBlank]
 * @returns {external:jQuery}
export function wrapHtml(html, options = {}) {
  const tagName = options.tagName || 'span';
  const $wrapper = $($.parseHTML(html)).wrapAll(`<${tagName}>`).parent();
  if (options.callbacks) {
    Object.keys(options.callbacks).forEach((className) => {
      const $linkWrapper = $wrapper.find(`.${className}`);
      let $link = $linkWrapper.find('a');
      if (/\$\d$/.test($link.attr('href'))) {
        // Dummy links we put into strings for translation so that translators understand this will
        // be a link.
        $link.attr('href', '').removeAttr('title');
      } else if (!$link.length) {
        $link = $linkWrapper.wrapInner('<a>').children().first();
      new Button({
        element: $link[0],
        action: options.callbacks[className],
  if (options.targetBlank) {
    $wrapper.find('a[href]').attr('target', '_blank');
  return $wrapper;


 * Wrap the response to the "compare" API request in a table.
 * @param {string} body
 * @returns {string}
export function wrapDiffBody(body) {
  const className = ['diff']
    .concat(mw.user.options.get('editfont') === 'monospace' ? 'diff-editfont-monospace' : [])
    .concat('diff-contentalign-' + (cd.g.contentDirection === 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right'))
    .join(' ');
  return (
    `<table class="${className}">` +
    '<col class="diff-marker"><col class="diff-content">' +
    '<col class="diff-marker"><col class="diff-content">' +
    body +

 * Generate a transparent color for the given color to use it in a gradient.
 * @param {string} color
 * @returns {string}
export function transparentize(color) {
  const dummyElement = document.createElement('span'); = color;
  color =;
  return color.includes('rgba') ?
    color.replace(/\d+(?=\))/, '0') :
      .replace('rgb', 'rgba')
      .replace(')', ', 0)');

 * Check if an input or editable element is focused.
 * @returns {boolean}
export function isInputFocused() {
  const $active = $(document.activeElement);
  return $':input') || $active.prop('isContentEditable');

 * Get the bounding client rectangle of an element, setting values that include margins to the
 * `outerTop`, `outerBottom`, `outerLeft`, and `outerRight` properties. The margins are cached.
 * @param {Element} el
 * @returns {object}
export function getExtendedRect(el) {
  if (el.cdMarginTop === undefined) {
    const style = window.getComputedStyle(el);
    el.cdMarginTop = parseFloat(style.marginTop);
    el.cdMarginBottom = parseFloat(style.marginBottom);
    el.cdMarginLeft = parseFloat(style.marginLeft);
    el.cdMarginRight = parseFloat(style.marginRight);
  const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
  const isVisible = getVisibilityByRects(rect);
  return $.extend({
    outerTop: - (isVisible ? el.cdMarginTop : 0),
    outerBottom: rect.bottom + (isVisible ? el.cdMarginBottom : 0),
    outerLeft: rect.left - (isVisible ? el.cdMarginLeft : 0),
    outerRight: rect.right + (isVisible ? el.cdMarginRight : 0),
  }, rect);

 * Given bounding client rectangle(s), determine whether the element is visible.
 * @param {...object} rects
 * @returns {boolean} `true` if visible, `false` if not.
export function getVisibilityByRects(...rects) {
  // If the element has 0 as the left position and height, it's probably invisible for some reason.
  return !rects.some((rect) => rect.left === 0 && rect.height === 0);

 * Check if the provided key combination is pressed given an event.
 * @param {Event} e
 * @param {number} keyCode
 * @param {Array.<'cmd'|'shift'|'alt'|'meta'>} [modifiers=[]] Use `'cmd'` instead of `'ctrl'`.
 * @returns {boolean}
export function keyCombination(e, keyCode, modifiers = []) {
  if (modifiers.includes('cmd')) {
    removeFromArrayIfPresent(modifiers, 'cmd');
    // In Chrome on Windows, e.metaKey corresponds to the Windows key, so we better check for a
    // platform.
    modifiers.push(cd.g.clientProfile.platform === 'mac' ? 'meta' : 'ctrl');
  return (
    e.keyCode === keyCode &&
    ['ctrl', 'shift', 'alt', 'meta'].every((mod) => modifiers.includes(mod) === e[mod + 'Key'])

 * Whether a command modifier is pressed. On Mac, this means the Cmd key. On Windows, this means the
 * Ctrl key.
 * @param {Event} e
 * @returns {boolean}
export function isCmdModifierPressed(e) {
  // In Chrome on Windows, e.metaKey corresponds to the Windows key, so we better check for a
  // platform.
  return cd.g.clientProfile.platform === 'mac' ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;

 * Get elements using the right selector for the current skin given an object with skin names as
 * keys and selectors as values. If no value for the skin is provided, the `default` value is used.
 * @param {object} selectors
 * @returns {external:jQuery}
export function skin$(selectors) {
  return $(selectors[] || selectors.default || selectors.vector);

 * Get the footer element.
 * @returns {external:jQuery}
export function getFooter() {
  return skin$({
    monobook: '#f-list',
    modern: '#footer-info',
    default: '#footer-places',

 * Given a {@link selection}, get a
 * node and offset that are higher in the document, regardless if they belong to an anchor node or
 * focus node.
 * @param {Selection} selection
 * @returns {object}
export function getHigherNodeAndOffsetInSelection(selection) {
  if (!selection.anchorNode) {
    return null;

  const isAnchorHigher = (
    selection.anchorNode.compareDocumentPosition(selection.focusNode) &
  return {
    higherNode: isAnchorHigher ? selection.anchorNode : selection.focusNode,
    higherOffset: isAnchorHigher ? selection.anchorOffset : selection.focusOffset,

 * Copy text and notify whether the operation was successful.
 * @param {string} text Text to copy.
 * @param {object} messages
 * @param {string|external:jQuery} messages.success Success message.
 * @param {string|external:jQuery} Fail message.
 * @private
export function copyText(text, { success, fail }) {
  const $textarea = $('<textarea>')
  const successful = document.execCommand('copy');

  if (text && successful) {
  } else {
    mw.notify(fail, { type: 'error' });

 * Check whether there is something in the HTML that can be converted to wikitext.
 * @param {string} html
 * @param {Element} containerElement
 * @returns {boolean}
export function isHtmlConvertibleToWikitext(html, containerElement) {
  return isElementConvertibleToWikitext(
    cleanUpPasteDom(getElementFromPasteHtml(html), containerElement).element

 * Check whether there is something in the element that can be converted to wikitext.
 * @param {Element} element
 * @returns {boolean}
export function isElementConvertibleToWikitext(element) {
  return Boolean(
    element.childElementCount &&
      [...element.querySelectorAll('*')].length === 1 &&
      element.childNodes.length === 1 &&
      ['P', 'LI', 'DD'].includes(element.children[0].tagName)
    ) &&
    ![...element.querySelectorAll('*')].every((el) => el.tagName === 'BR')

 * Clean up the contents of an element created based on the HTML code of a paste.
 * @param {Element} element
 * @param {Element} containerElement
 * @returns {object}
export function cleanUpPasteDom(element, containerElement) {
  // Get all styles (such as `user-select: none`) from classes applied when the element is added
  // to the DOM. If HTML is retrieved from a paste, this is not needed (styles are added to
  // elements themselves in the text/html format), but won't hurt.
  element.className = 'cd-commentForm-dummyElement';

  [...element.querySelectorAll('[style]:not(pre [style])')]
    .forEach((el) => {
      if ( === 'underline' && !['U', 'INS', 'A'].includes(el.tagName)) {
      if ( === 'line-through' && !['STRIKE', 'S', 'DEL'].includes(el.tagName)) {
      if ( === 'italic' && !['I', 'EM'].includes(el.tagName)) {
      if (['bold', '700'].includes( && !['B', 'STRONG'].includes(el.tagName)) {

  const removeElement = (el) => el.remove();
  const replaceWithChildren = (el) => {
    if (
      ['DIV', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'DD'].includes(el.tagName) &&
        el.nextElementSibling ||

        // Cases like "<div><div>Quote</div>Text</div>", e.g. created by
    ) {

    .filter((el) => window.getComputedStyle(el).userSelect === 'none')

  // Should run after removing elements with `user-select: none`, to remove their wrappers that
  // now have no content.
    // Need to keep non-breaking spaces.
    .filter((el) => (
        !['BR', 'HR'].includes(el.tagName) ||
      ) &&
      !isInline(el) &&
      !el.textContent.replace(/[ \n]+/g, ''))



  const topElements = new Parser({ childElementsProp: 'children' })
    .getTopElementsWithText(element, true).nodes;
  if (topElements[0] !== element) {
    element.innerHTML = '';

  const syntaxHighlightLanguages = [...element.querySelectorAll('pre')].map((el) => (
    (el.parentNode.className.match('mw-highlight-lang-([0-9a-z_-]+)') || [])[1]

  [...element.querySelectorAll('div, span, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6')]
  [...element.querySelectorAll('p > br')]
    .forEach((el) => {

  // This will turn links to unexistent pages to actual red links. Should be above the removal of
  // classes.
    .filter((el) => el.classList.contains('new'))
    .forEach((el) => {
      const urlData = parseWikiUrl(el.getAttribute('href'))
      if (urlData && urlData.hostname === location.hostname) {
        el.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl(urlData.pageName));

  const allowedTags = cd.g.allowedTags.concat('a', 'center', 'big', 'strike', 'tt');
    .forEach((el) => {
      if (!allowedTags.includes(el.tagName.toLowerCase())) {

        .filter((attr) => === 'class' || /^data-/.test(
        .forEach((attr) => {

    // DDs out of DLs are likely comment parts that should not create `:` markup. (Bare LIs don't
    // create `*` markup in the API.)
    .filter((el) => el.tagName === 'DD')


  // Need to do it before removing the element; if we do it later, the literal textual content of
  // the elements will be used instead of the rendered appearance.
  const text = element.innerText;


  return { element, text, syntaxHighlightLanguages };

 * Turn HTML code of a paste into an element.
 * @param {string} html
 * @returns {Element}
export function getElementFromPasteHtml(html) {
  const div = document.createElement('div');
  div.innerHTML = html
    .replace(/^[^]*<!-- *StartFragment *-->/, '')
    .replace(/<!-- *EndFragment *-->[^]*$/, '');
  return div;

 * Get all nodes between the two specified, including them. This works equally well if they are at
 * different nesting levels. Descendants of nodes that are already included are not included.
 * @param {Element} start
 * @param {Element} end
 * @param {Element} rootElement
 * @returns {?Element[]}
export function getRangeContents(start, end, rootElement) {
  // It makes more sense to place this function in the `utils` module, but we can't import
  // `controller` there because of issues with the worker build and a cyclic dependency that
  // emerges.

  // Fight infinite loops
  if (start.compareDocumentPosition(end) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) {
    return null;

  let commonAncestor;
  for (let el = start; el; el = el.parentNode) {
    if (el.contains(end)) {
      commonAncestor = el;

    Here we should equally account for all cases of the start and end item relative position.

      <ul>         <!-- Say, may start anywhere from here... -->
      <div></div>  <!-- here. And, may end anywhere from here... -->
        <li></li>  <-- here. -->
  const rangeContents = [start];

  // The start container could contain the end container and be different from it in the case with
  // adjusted end items.
  if (!start.contains(end)) {
    const treeWalker = new ElementsTreeWalker(start, rootElement);

    while (treeWalker.currentNode.parentNode !== commonAncestor) {
      while (treeWalker.nextSibling()) {
    while (!treeWalker.currentNode.contains(end)) {

    // This step fixes some issues with `.cd-connectToPreviousItem` like wrong margins below the
    // expand note of the comment
    // if you collapse its thread.
    while (end.parentNode.lastChild === end && treeWalker.currentNode.contains(end.parentNode)) {
      end = end.parentNode;

    while (treeWalker.currentNode !== end) {
      while (!treeWalker.currentNode.contains(end)) {

  return rangeContents;