* Wikitext parsing and processing utilities.
* @module utilsWikitext
import TextMasker from './TextMasker';
import cd from './cd';
import { decodeHtmlEntities, generatePageNamePattern, removeDirMarks } from './utils-general';
import { parseTimestamp } from './utils-timestamp';
* Generate a regular expression that searches for specified tags in the text (opening, closing, and
* content between them).
* @param {string[]} tags
* @returns {RegExp}
export function generateTagsRegexp(tags) {
const tagsJoined = tags.join('|');
return new RegExp(`(<(${tagsJoined})(?: [\\w ]+(?:=[^<>]+?)?| *)>)([^]*?)(</\\2>)`, 'ig');
* Replace HTML comments (`<!-- -->`), `<nowiki>`, `<syntaxhighlight>`, `<source>`, and `<pre>` tags
* content, left-to-right and right-to-left marks, and also newlines inside some tags (`<br\n>`) in
* the code with spaces.
* This is used to ignore comment contents (there could be section code examples for novices there
* that could confuse search results) but get right positions and code in the result.
* @param {string} code
* @returns {string}
export function maskDistractingCode(code) {
return code
generateTagsRegexp(['nowiki', 'syntaxhighlight', 'source', 'pre']),
(s, before, tagName, content, after) => before + ' '.repeat(content.length) + after
.replace(/<!--([^]*?)-->/g, (s, content) => '\x01' + ' '.repeat(content.length + 5) + '\x02')
.replace(/[\u200e\u200f]/g, () => ' ')
(s, before, newline, after) => before + ' '.repeat(newline.length) + after
* Find the first timestamp related to a comment in the code.
* @param {string} code
* @returns {?string}
export function findFirstTimestamp(code) {
return extractSignatures(code)[0]?.timestamp || null;
* Remove certain kinds of wiki markup from code, such as formatting, links, tags, and comments.
* Also replace multiple spaces with one and trim the input. The product of this function is usually
* not for display (for example, it just removes template names making the resulting code look
* silly), but for comparing purposes.
* @param {string} code
* @returns {string}
export function removeWikiMarkup(code) {
// Ideally, only text from images in the "thumb" format should be captured, because in the
// standard format the text is not displayed. See img_thumbnail in
// https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=magicwords&formatversion=2.
// Unfortunately, that would add like 100ms to the server's response time. So, we use it if it is
// present in the config file.
const fileEmbedRegexp = new RegExp(
`\\[\\[${cd.g.filePrefixPattern}[^\\]]+?(?:\\|[^\\]]+?\\| *((?:\\[\\[[^\\]]+?\\]\\]|[^|\\]])+))? *\\]\\]`,
return code
// Remove comments
.replace(/<!--[^]*?-->/g, '')
// Remove text hidden by the script (for example, in wikitext.maskDistractingCode)
.replace(/\x01 *\x02/g, '')
// Pipe trick
.replace(cd.g.pipeTrickRegexp, '$1$2$3')
// Extract displayed text from file embeddings
.replace(fileEmbedRegexp, (s, m) => cd.g.isThumbRegexp.test(s) ? m : '')
// Extract displayed text from [[wikilinks]]
.replace(/\[\[:?(?:[^|[\]<>\n]+\|)?(.+?)\]\]/g, '$1')
// For optimization purposes, remove template names
.replace(/\{\{:?(?:[^|{}<>\n]+)(?:\|(.+?))?\}\}/g, '$1')
// Extract displayed text from [links]
.replace(/\[https?:\/\/[^[\]<>"\n ]+ *([^\]]*)\]/g, '$1')
// Remove bold
.replace(/'''(.+?)'''/g, '$1')
// Remove italics
.replace(/''(.+?)''/g, '$1')
// Replace <br> with a space
.replace(/<br ?\/?>/g, ' ')
// Remove opening and self-closing tags (won't work with <smth param=">">, but the native parser
// fails too).
.replace(/<\w+(?: [\w ]+(?:=[^<>]+?)?| *\/?)>/g, '')
// Remove closing tags
.replace(/<\/\w+(?: [\w ]+)? *>/g, '')
// Replace multiple spaces with one space
.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ')
* Replace HTML entities with corresponding characters. Also replace different kinds of spaces,
* including multiple, with one normal space.
* @param {string} text
* @returns {string}
export function normalizeCode(text) {
return decodeHtmlEntities(text).replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
* Encode text to put it in a `[[wikilink]]`. This is meant for section links as the characters that
* this function encodes are forbidden in page titles anyway, so page titles containing them are not
* valid titles.
* @param {string} link
* @returns {string}
export function encodeWikilink(link) {
return link
.replace(/<(\w+(?: [\w ]+(?:=[^<>]+?)?| *\/?)|\/\w+(?: [\w ]+)? *)>/g, '%3C$1%3E')
.replace(/\[/g, '%5B')
.replace(/\]/g, '%5D')
.replace(/\{/g, '%7B')
.replace(/\|/g, '%7C')
.replace(/\}/g, '%7D')
.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
* Extract signatures from wikitext.
* Only basic signature parsing is performed here; more precise signature text identification is
* performed in `CommentSource#adjustSignature`. See also `CommentSource#adjust`.
* @param {string} code Code to extract signatures from.
* @returns {object[]}
export function extractSignatures(code) {
// TODO: Instead of removing only lines containing antipatterns from wikitext, hide entire
// templates and tags?
// But keep in mind that this code may still be part of comments.
const noSignatureClassesPattern = cd.g.noSignatureClasses.join('\\b|\\b');
const commentAntipatternsPatternParts = [
if (cd.config.noSignatureTemplates.length) {
const pattern = cd.config.noSignatureTemplates.map(generatePageNamePattern).join('|');
commentAntipatternsPatternParts.push(`\\{\\{ *(?:${pattern}) *(?:\\||\\}\\})`);
...cd.config.commentAntipatterns.map((regexp) => regexp.source)
const commentAntipatternsPattern = commentAntipatternsPatternParts.join('|');
const commentAntipatternsRegexp = new RegExp(`^.*(?:${commentAntipatternsPattern}).*$`, 'mg');
// Hide HTML comments, quotes and lines containing antipatterns.
const adjustedCode = maskDistractingCode(code)
(s, beginning, content, ending) => beginning + ' '.repeat(content.length) + ending
.replace(commentAntipatternsRegexp, (s) => ' '.repeat(s.length));
let signatures = extractRegularSignatures(adjustedCode, code);
const unsigneds = extractUnsigneds(adjustedCode, code, signatures);
// This is for the procedure adding anchors to comments linked from the comment, see
// CommentForm#prepareNewPageCode.
const signatureIndex = adjustedCode.indexOf(cd.g.signCode);
if (signatureIndex !== -1) {
author: cd.user.getName(),
startIndex: signatureIndex,
nextCommentStartIndex: signatureIndex + adjustedCode.slice(signatureIndex).indexOf('\n') + 1,
if (unsigneds.length || signatureIndex !== -1) {
signatures.sort((sig1, sig2) => sig1.startIndex > sig2.startIndex ? 1 : -1);
signatures = signatures.filter((sig) => sig.author);
signatures.forEach((sig, i) => {
sig.commentStartIndex = i === 0 ? 0 : signatures[i - 1].nextCommentStartIndex;
signatures.forEach((sig, i) => {
const { date } = sig.timestamp && parseTimestamp(sig.timestamp) || {};
sig.index = i;
sig.date = date;
delete sig.nextCommentStartIndex;
return signatures;
* Extract signatures that don't come from the unsigned templates from wikitext.
* @param {string} adjustedCode Adjusted page code.
* @param {string} code Page code.
* @returns {object[]}
* @private
function extractRegularSignatures(adjustedCode, code) {
const ending = `(?:\\n*|$)`;
const afterTimestamp = `(?!["»])(?:\\}\\}|</small>)?`;
// Use (?:^|[^=]) to filter out timestamps in a parameter (in quote templates)
const timestampRegexp = new RegExp(
// After capturing the first signature with `.*?` we make another capture (with authorLinkRegexp)
// to make sure we take the first link to the same author as the author in the last link. 251 is
// not arbitrary: it's 255 (maximum allowed signature length) minus `'[[u:a'.length` plus
// `' '.length` (the space before the timestamp).
const signatureScanLimit = 251;
const signatureRegexp = new RegExp(
1 - the whole line with the signature
2 - text before the timestamp
3 - text before the first user link
4 - author name (inside `cd.g.captureUserNamePattern`)
5 - sometimes, a slash appears here (inside `cd.g.captureUserNamePattern`)
6 - timestamp
`^(((.*?)${cd.g.captureUserNamePattern}.{1,${signatureScanLimit - 1}}?[^=])` +
const lastAuthorLinkRegexp = new RegExp(`^.*${cd.g.captureUserNamePattern}`, 'i');
const authorLinkRegexp = new RegExp(cd.g.captureUserNamePattern, 'ig');
let signatures = [];
let timestampMatch;
while ((timestampMatch = timestampRegexp.exec(adjustedCode))) {
const line = timestampMatch[0];
const lineStartIndex = timestampMatch.index;
const authorTimestampMatch = line.match(signatureRegexp);
let author;
let timestamp;
let startIndex;
let endIndex;
let nextCommentStartIndex;
let dirtyCode;
if (authorTimestampMatch) {
// Extract the timestamp data
const timestampStartIndex = lineStartIndex + authorTimestampMatch[2].length;
const timestampEndIndex = timestampStartIndex + authorTimestampMatch[6].length;
timestamp = removeDirMarks(code.slice(timestampStartIndex, timestampEndIndex));
// Extract the signature data
startIndex = lineStartIndex + authorTimestampMatch[3].length;
endIndex = lineStartIndex + authorTimestampMatch[1].length;
dirtyCode = code.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
nextCommentStartIndex = lineStartIndex + authorTimestampMatch[0].length;
// Find the first link to this author in the preceding text.
let authorLinkMatch;
authorLinkRegexp.lastIndex = 0;
const commentEndingStartIndex = Math.max(0, timestampStartIndex - lineStartIndex - 255);
const commentEnding = authorTimestampMatch[0].slice(commentEndingStartIndex);
const [, lastAuthorLink] = commentEnding.match(lastAuthorLinkRegexp) || [];
// Locically it should always be non-empty. There is an unclear problem with
// https://az.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vikipediya:Kənd_meydanı&diff=prev&oldid=7223881,
// probably having something to do with difference between regular length and byte length.
if (!lastAuthorLink) continue;
// require() to avoid circular dependency
const userRegistry = require('./userRegistry').default;
author = userRegistry.get(decodeHtmlEntities(lastAuthorLink));
// Rectify the author name if needed.
while ((authorLinkMatch = authorLinkRegexp.exec(commentEnding))) {
// Slash can be present in authorLinkMatch[2]. It often indicates a link to a page in the
// author's userspace that is not part of the signature (while some such links are, and we
// don't want to eliminate those cases).
if (authorLinkMatch[2]) continue;
const testAuthor = userRegistry.get(decodeHtmlEntities(authorLinkMatch[1]));
if (testAuthor === author) {
startIndex = lineStartIndex + commentEndingStartIndex + authorLinkMatch.index;
dirtyCode = code.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
} else {
startIndex = lineStartIndex + timestampMatch[2].length;
endIndex = lineStartIndex + timestampMatch[1].length;
dirtyCode = code.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
const timestampEndIndex = startIndex + timestampMatch[3].length;
timestamp = removeDirMarks(code.slice(startIndex, timestampEndIndex));
nextCommentStartIndex = lineStartIndex + timestampMatch[0].length;
signatures.push({ author, timestamp, startIndex, endIndex, dirtyCode, nextCommentStartIndex });
return signatures;
* Extract signatures that come from the unsigned templates from wikitext.
* @param {string} adjustedCode Adjusted page code.
* @param {string} code Page code.
* @param {object[]} signatures Existing signatures.
* @returns {object[]}
* @private
function extractUnsigneds(adjustedCode, code, signatures) {
if (!cd.config.unsignedTemplates.length) {
return [];
// require() to avoid circular dependency
const userRegistry = require('./userRegistry').default;
const unsigneds = [];
const unsignedTemplatesRegexp = new RegExp(cd.g.unsignedTemplatesPattern + '.*\\n', 'g');
let match;
while ((match = unsignedTemplatesRegexp.exec(adjustedCode))) {
let author;
let timestamp;
if (cd.g.contentTimestampNoTzRegexp.test(match[2])) {
timestamp = match[2];
author = match[3];
} else if (cd.g.contentTimestampNoTzRegexp.test(match[3])) {
timestamp = match[3];
author = match[2];
} else {
author = match[2];
author &&= userRegistry.get(decodeHtmlEntities(author));
// Append "(UTC)" to the `timestamp` of templates that allow to omit the timezone. The timezone
// could be not UTC, but currently the timezone offset is taken from the wiki configuration, so
// doesn't have effect.
if (timestamp && !cd.g.contentTimestampRegexp.test(timestamp)) {
timestamp += ' (UTC)';
// Workaround for "undated" templates
author ||= '<undated>';
// Double spaces
timestamp = timestamp?.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
let startIndex = match.index;
const endIndex = match.index + match[1].length;
let dirtyCode = code.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
const nextCommentStartIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
// `[5 tildes] {{unsigned|...}}` cases. In these cases, both the signature and
// {{unsigned|...}} are considered signatures and added to the array. We could combine them
// but that would need corresponding code in Parser.js which could be tricky, so for now we just
// remove the duplicate. That still allows to reply to the comment.
const relevantSignatureIndex = (
signatures.findIndex((sig) => sig.nextCommentStartIndex === nextCommentStartIndex)
if (relevantSignatureIndex !== -1) {
signatures.splice(relevantSignatureIndex, 1);
unsigneds.push({ author, timestamp, startIndex, endIndex, dirtyCode, nextCommentStartIndex });
return unsigneds;
* Modify a string or leave it unchanged so that is has two newlines at the end of it. (Meant for
* section wikitext.)
* @param {string} code
* @returns {string}
export function endWithTwoNewlines(code) {
return code.replace(/([^\n])\n?$/, '$1\n\n');
* Replace `<br>`s with `\n`, except in list elements and `<pre>`'s created by a space starting a
* line.
* @param {string} code
* @param {string} replacement
* @returns {string}
export function brsToNewlines(code, replacement = '\n') {
return code.replace(/^(?![:*# ]).*<br[ \n]*\/?>.*$/gmi, (s) => (
s.replace(/<br[ \n]*\/?>(?![:*#;])\n? */gi, () => replacement)
* Mask links that have `|`, replace `|` with `{{!}}`, unmask links. If `maskedTexts` is not
* provided, sensitive code will be masked as well.
* Also masks bare `{` and `}` that weren't identified as part of other markup (e.g. try quoting the
* sentence "Или держал в голове то, что практика использования {{doc/begin}} ... делали </div>
* вместо шаблона." in
* https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Jack_who_built_the_house#c-Jack_who_built_the_house-2020-03-22T12:18:00.000Z-DonRumata-2020-03-22T11:05:00.000Z
* - "</div>" screws everything up.)
* @param {string} code
* @param {string[]} [maskedTexts]
* @returns {string}
export function escapePipesOutsideLinks(code, maskedTexts) {
const textMasker = new TextMasker(code, maskedTexts);
if (!maskedTexts) {
return textMasker
.mask(/\[\[[^\]|]+\|/g, 'link')
.withText((text) => (
.replace(/\{/g, '{')
.replace(/\}/g, '}')
.replace(/\|/g, '{{!}}')
.unmask(maskedTexts ? 'link' : undefined)
* Extract a number from a string using a set of digits.
* @param {string} s
* @param {string} [digits='0123456789']
* @returns {number}
export function extractArabicNumeral(s, digits = '0123456789') {
const digitsRegExp = new RegExp(`[${digits}]`, 'g');
const notDigitsRegExp = new RegExp(`[^${digits}]`, 'g');
return Number(
.replace(notDigitsRegExp, '')
.replace(digitsRegExp, (s) => digits.indexOf(s))