
 * Singleton that stores and changes the overall state of the page, initiating boot processes and
 * reacting to events.
 * @module controller

import Autocomplete from './Autocomplete';
import BootProcess from './BootProcess';
import Comment from './Comment';
import CommentForm from './CommentForm';
import DtSubscriptions from './DtSubscriptions';
import ElementsTreeWalker from './ElementsTreeWalker';
import LegacySubscriptions from './LegacySubscriptions';
import Parser from './Parser';
import addCommentLinks from './addCommentLinks';
import cd from './cd';
import commentFormRegistry from './commentFormRegistry';
import commentRegistry from './commentRegistry';
import debug from './debug';
import init from './init';
import navPanel from './navPanel';
import notifications from './notifications';
import pageRegistry from './pageRegistry';
import sectionRegistry from './sectionRegistry';
import settings from './settings';
import toc from './toc';
import updateChecker from './updateChecker';
import { getUserInfo } from './utils-api';
import { defined, definedAndNotNull, flat, getLastArrayElementOrSelf, isHeadingNode, isInline, isProbablyTalkPage, sleep } from './utils-general';
import { mixEventEmitterIntoObject } from './utils-oojs';
import { copyText, getVisibilityByRects, skin$, wrapHtml } from './utils-window';
import Worker from './worker-gate';

export default {
  content: {},
  scrollData: { offset: null },
  autoScrolling: false,
  isUpdateThreadLinesHandlerAttached: false,
  lastScrollX: 0,
  originalPageTitle: document.title,
  lastCheckedRevisionId: null,
  addedCommentCount: 0,
  areRelevantCommentsAdded: false,
  relevantAddedCommentIds: null,
  commentsNotifiedAbout: [],
  isObstructingElementHoveredCached: false,

   * _For internal use._ Assign some properties required by the controller - those which are not
   * known from the beginning - and run the boot process (on talk page or comment links page).
  init() {
    this.$content ||= $('#mw-content-text');

    if (cd.g.isMobile) {

    // Not constants: `go()` may run a second time, see `app~maybeAddFooterSwitcher()`.
    const isEnabledInQuery = /[?&]cdtalkpage=(1|true|yes|y)(?=&|$)/.test(;
    const isDisabledInQuery = /[?&]cdtalkpage=(0|false|no|n)(?=&|$)/.test(;

    // See `.isDefinitelyTalkPage()`
    this.definitelyTalkPage = Boolean(
      isEnabledInQuery ||

      // `.cd-talkPage` is used as a last resort way to make CD parse the page, as opposed to using
      // the list of supported namespaces and page white/black list in the configuration. With this
      // method, there won't be "comment" links for edits on pages that list revisions such as the
      // watchlist.
      this.$content.find('.cd-talkPage').length ||

        ($('#ca-addsection').length || cd.g.pageWhitelistRegexp?.test(cd.g.pageName)) &&

    // See `.isArticlePageTalkPage()`
    this.articlePageTalkPage = (
      (!mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect') || !this.isCurrentRevision()) &&
      !this.$content.find('.cd-notTalkPage').length &&
      (isProbablyTalkPage(cd.g.pageName, cd.g.namespaceNumber) || this.definitelyTalkPage) &&

      // Undocumented setting
      !(typeof cdOnlyRunByFooterLink !== 'undefined' && window.cdOnlyRunByFooterLink)

    // See `.isDiffPage()`
    this.diffPage = /[?&]diff=[^&]/.test(;

    this.talkPage = Boolean(
      mw.config.get('wgIsArticle') &&
      !isDisabledInQuery &&
      (isEnabledInQuery || this.articlePageTalkPage)


   * Setup the controller for use in the current boot process. (Executed at every page reload.)
   * @param {string} pageHtml HTML to update the page with.
  setup(pageHtml) {
    // RevisionSlider replaces the `#mw-content-text` element.
    if (!this.$content[0]?.parentNode) {
      this.$content = $('#mw-content-text');

    if (pageHtml) {
      const div = document.createElement('div');
      div.innerHTML = pageHtml;
      this.rootElement = div.firstChild;
      this.$root = $(this.rootElement);
    } else {
      // There can be more than one `.mw-parser-output` child, e.g. on talk pages of IP editors.
      this.$root = this.$content.children('.mw-parser-output').first();

      // 404 pages
      if (!this.$root.length) {
        this.$root = this.$content;

      this.rootElement = this.$root[0];

    // Add the class immediately to prevent the issue when any unexpected error prevents this from
    // being executed and then `this.handleWikipageContentHookFirings()` is called with
    // `#mw-content-text` element for some reason, and the page goes into an infinite reloading
    // loop.

   * Reset the controller data and state. (Executed between page loads.)
   * @private
  reset() {
    CommentForm.forgetOnTarget(, 'addSection');
    delete this.$addTopicButtons;
    this.content = {};
    this.addedCommentCount = 0;
    this.areRelevantCommentsAdded = false;
    this.relevantAddedCommentIds = null;
    delete this.dtSubscribableThreads;

   * Set whether the current page is a talk page.
   * @param {boolean} value
  setTalkPageness(value) {
    this.talkPage = Boolean(value);

   * Check whether the current page is likely a talk page. See
   * {@link module:controller.isDefinitelyTalkPage} for the most strict criteria.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isTalkPage() {
    return this.talkPage;

   * Check whether the current page is a watchlist or recent changes page.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isWatchlistPage() {
    return ['Recentchanges', 'Watchlist'].includes(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName'));

   * Check whether the current page is a contributions page.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isContributionsPage() {
    return mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Contributions';

   * Check whether the current page is a history page.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isHistoryPage() {
    return cd.g.pageAction === 'history' && isProbablyTalkPage(cd.g.pageName, cd.g.namespaceNumber);

   * Check whether the current page is a diff page.
   * This is not a constant: the diff may be removed from the page (and the URL updated, see
   * `.cleanUpUrlAndDom()`) when it's for the last revision and the page is reloaded using the
   * script. `wgIsArticle` config value is not taken into account: if the "Do not show page content
   * below diffs" MediaWiki setting is on, `wgIsArticle` is false.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isDiffPage() {
    return this.diffPage;

   * Check whether the current page meets strict criteria for classifying as a talk page. See
   * {@link module:controller.isTalkPage} for approximate criteria.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isDefinitelyTalkPage() {
    return this.definitelyTalkPage;

   * Check if the _article_ page (the one with `wgIsArticle` being true) of the current page is a
   * talk page eligible for CD. It can be `true` on edit, history pages etc. Although the
   * assessments may be different on a history page and on an article page of the same title, since
   * the page can contain elements with special classes that we can access only on the article page.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isArticlePageTalkPage() {
    return this.articlePageTalkPage;

   * Set whether the viewport is currently automatically scrolled to some position. To get that
   * state, use {@link module:controller.isAutoScrolling}.
   * @param {boolean} value
  toggleAutoScrolling(value) {
    this.autoScrolling = Boolean(value);

   * Check whether the viewport is currently automatically scrolled to some position. To set that
   * state, use {@link module:controller.toggleAutoScrolling}.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isAutoScrolling() {
    return this.autoScrolling;

   * Create an OOUI window manager or return an existing one.
   * @param {string} [name='default'] Name of the window manager. We may need more than one if we,
   *   for some reason, want to have more than one window open at any moment.
   * @returns {external:OO.ui.WindowManager}
  getWindowManager(name = 'default') {
    this.windowManagers ||= {};

    if (!this.windowManagers[name]) {
      this.windowManagers[name] = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
      this.windowManagers[name].on('closing', async (win, closed) => {
        // We don't have windows that can be reused.
        await closed;

      $(OO.ui.getTeleportTarget?.() || document.body).append(this.windowManagers[name].$element);

    return this.windowManagers[name];

   * @class Api
   * @memberof external:mw
   * @see!/api/mw.Api

   * Get a
   * {@link!/api/mw.Api mw.Api} instance.
   * @returns {external:mw.Api}
  getApi() {
    this.api ||= new mw.Api(cd.getApiConfig());

    return this.api;

   * _For internal use._ Get the worker object.
   * @returns {Worker}
  getWorker() {
    this.worker ||= new Worker();

    return this.worker;

   * Get the offset data related to `.$contentColumn`.
   * @param {boolean} reset Whether to bypass cache.
   * @returns {object}
  getContentColumnOffsets(reset) {
    if (!this.contentColumnOffsets || reset) {
      const prop = cd.g.contentDirection === 'ltr' ? 'padding-left' : 'padding-right';
      let startMargin = Math.max(parseFloat(this.$contentColumn.css(prop)), cd.g.contentFontSize);

      // The content column in Timeless has no _borders_ as such, so it's wrong to penetrate the
      // surrounding area from the design point of view.
      if ( === 'timeless') {

      const left = this.$contentColumn.offset().left;
      const width = this.$contentColumn.outerWidth();
      this.contentColumnOffsets = {
        start: cd.g.contentDirection === 'ltr' ? left : left + width,
        end: cd.g.contentDirection === 'ltr' ? left + width : left,

      // This is set only on window resize event. The initial value is set in
      // `init.addTalkPageCss()` through a style tag.
      if (reset) {
        $(document.documentElement).css('--cd-content-start-margin', startMargin + 'px');

    return this.contentColumnOffsets;

   * Is the displayed revision the current (last known) revision of the page.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isCurrentRevision() {
    // RevisionSlider may show a revision newer than the revision in `wgCurRevisionId` due to a bug
    // (when navigating forward, at least twice, from a revision older than the revision in
    // `wgCurRevisionId` after some revisions were added). Unfortunately, it doesn't update the
    // `wgCurRevisionId` value.
    return mw.config.get('wgRevisionId') >= mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId');

   * Save the scroll position relative to the first element in the viewport looking from the top of
   * the page.
   * @param {?boolean} [switchToAbsolute=null] If this value is `true` or `false` and the viewport
   *   is above the bottom of the table of contents, then use
   *   {@link module:controller.saveScrollPosition} (this allows for better precision).
   * @param {number} scrollY Cached horizontal scroll value used to avoid reflow.
  saveRelativeScrollPosition(switchToAbsolute = null, scrollY = window.scrollY) {
    // The viewport has the TOC bottom or is above it.
    if (
      switchToAbsolute !== null &&
      !toc.isInSidebar() &&
      toc.isPresent() &&
      scrollY < toc.getBottomOffset()
    ) {
    } else {
      this.scrollData.element = null;
      this.scrollData.elementTop = null;
      this.scrollData.touchesBottom = false;
      this.scrollData.offsetBottom = (
        document.documentElement.scrollHeight - (scrollY + window.innerHeight)

      // The number 100 accounts for various content moves by scripts running on the page (like
      // HotCat that may add an empty category list).
      if (this.scrollData.offsetBottom < 100) {
        this.scrollData.touchesBottom = true;
      } else if (
        scrollY !== 0 &&
        this.rootElement.getBoundingClientRect().top <= cd.g.bodyScrollPaddingTop
      ) {
        const treeWalker = new ElementsTreeWalker(
        while (true) {
          const node = treeWalker.currentNode;

          if (!isInline(node) && !this.getFloatingElements().includes(node)) {
            const rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();

            // By default, in a conversation between two people, replies are nested and there is no
            // way to isolate the parent comment from the child, which would be desirable to find a
            // good reference element. To work around this, we resort to this line, which stops the
            // search at the first element fully below the viewport top (if there is a reference
            // element already). Its shortcoming is that if 1) the only element we met with its
            // bottom below the viewport top is too large to be used as a reference, 2) the first
            // element small enough has its top below the viewport (i.e., there is a gap between it
            // and the previous element that has the viewport top right in the middle) - we end up
            // without a convenient reference element. To compensate for this, we use an offset of
            // cd.g.contentFontSize (we're unlikely to see a bigger gap between elements).
            if (
     > cd.g.bodyScrollPaddingTop + cd.g.contentFontSize &&
              this.scrollData.element &&
            ) {

            if (rect.height !== 0 && rect.bottom >= cd.g.bodyScrollPaddingTop) {
              this.scrollData.element = node;
              this.scrollData.elementTop =;
              if (treeWalker.firstChild()) {
              } else {
          if (!treeWalker.nextSibling()) break;

   * Restore the scroll position saved in {@link module:controller.saveRelativeScrollPosition}.
   * @param {boolean} [switchToAbsolute=false] Restore the absolute position using
   *   {@link module:controller.restoreScrollPosition} if
   *   {@link module:controller.saveScrollPosition} was previously used for saving the position.
  restoreRelativeScrollPosition(switchToAbsolute = false) {
    if (switchToAbsolute && this.scrollData.offset !== null) {
    } else {
      if (this.scrollData.touchesBottom && window.scrollY !== 0) {
          document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight - this.scrollData.offsetBottom
      } else if (this.scrollData.element) {
        const rect = this.scrollData.element.getBoundingClientRect();
        if (getVisibilityByRects(rect)) {
          window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY + - this.scrollData.elementTop);
        } else {
          // In a collapsed thread?
          const closestHidden = this.scrollData.element.closest('.cd-hidden');
          if (closestHidden) {
              .map((comment) => comment.thread)
              .filter((thread) => thread.isCollapsed)
              .find((thread) => thread.collapsedRange.includes(closestHidden))
              .cdScrollTo('top', false);

   * _For internal use._ Replace the element used for restoring saved relative scroll position with
   * a new element if it coincides with the provided element.
   * @param {Element} element
   * @param {Element} newElement
   * @private
  replaceScrollAnchorElement(element, newElement) {
    if (this.scrollData.element && element === this.scrollData.element) {
      this.scrollData.element = newElement;

   * Save the scroll position to restore it later with
   * {@link module:controller.restoreScrollPosition}.
   * @param {boolean} [saveTocHeight=true] `false` is used for more fine control of scroll behavior
   *   when visits are loaded after a page reload.
  saveScrollPosition(saveTocHeight = true) {
    this.scrollData.offset = window.scrollY;
    this.scrollData.tocHeight = (
      (saveTocHeight || this.scrollData.tocHeight) &&
      !toc.isInSidebar() &&
      toc.isPresent() &&
      !toc.isFloating() &&
      window.scrollY !== 0 &&

      // There is some content below the TOC in the viewport.
      toc.getBottomOffset() < window.scrollY + window.innerHeight
    ) ?
      toc.$element.outerHeight() :

   * Restore the scroll position saved in {@link module:controller.saveScrollPosition}.
   * @param {boolean} [resetTocHeight=true] `false` is used for more fine control of scroll behavior
   *   after page reloads.
  restoreScrollPosition(resetTocHeight = true) {
    if (this.scrollData.offset === null) return;

    if (this.scrollData.tocHeight) {
      this.scrollData.offset += (toc.$element.outerHeight() || 0) - this.scrollData.tocHeight;
    window.scrollTo(0, this.scrollData.offset);

    this.scrollData.offset = null;
    if (resetTocHeight) {
      this.scrollData.tocHeight = null;

   * Find closed discussions on the page.
   * @returns {Element[]}
  getClosedDiscussions() {
    if (!this.content.closedDiscussions) {
      const closedDiscussionsSelector = cd.config.closedDiscussionClasses
        .map((name) => `.${name}`)
        .join(', ');
      this.content.closedDiscussions = this.$root.find(closedDiscussionsSelector).get();

    return this.content.closedDiscussions;

   * Check whether there is at least one outdent template on the page. (If there is no, we don't
   * need to run many expensive operations.)
   * @returns {boolean}
  areThereOutdents() {
    this.content.areThereOutdents ??= Boolean(this.$root.find('.' + cd.config.outdentClass).length);
    return this.content.areThereOutdents;

   * Extract and memorize the classes mentioned in the TemplateStyles tags on the page.
   * @private
  extractTemplateStylesSelectors() {
    this.content.tsSelectorsFloating = [];
    this.content.tsSelectorsHidden = [];
    const extractSelectors = (rule) => {
      if (rule instanceof CSSStyleRule) {
        const style =;
        if (style.float === 'left' || style.float === 'right') {
        if (style.display === 'none') {
      } else if (rule instanceof CSSMediaRule) {
      .filter((sheet) => sheet.href?.includes('site.styles'))
      .forEach((el) => {
        try {
        } catch {
          // CSS rules on other domains can be inaccessible
    [...this.rootElement.querySelectorAll('style')].forEach((el) => {

   * Get the selectors for floating elements mentioned in the TemplateStyles tags on the page.
   * @returns {string[]}
   * @private
  getTsFloatingElementSelectors() {
    if (!this.content.tsSelectorsFloating) {

    return this.content.tsSelectorsFloating;

   * Get the selectors for hidden elements mentioned in the TemplateStyles tags on the page.
   * @returns {string[]}
   * @private
  getTsHiddenElementSelectors() {
    if (!this.content.tsSelectorsHidden) {

    return this.content.tsSelectorsHidden;

   * Find floating elements on the page.
   * @returns {Element[]}
  getFloatingElements() {
    if (!this.content.floatingElements) {
      // Describe all floating elements on the page in order to calculate the correct border
      // (temporarily setting `overflow: hidden`) for all comments they intersect with.
      const floatingElementSelector = [
        '*[style*="float: right"]',
        '*[style*="float: left"]',
      ].join(', ');

      // Can't use jQuery here anyway, as .find() doesn't take into account ancestor elements, such
      // as .mw-parser-output, in selectors. Remove all known elements that never intersect comments
      // from the collection.
      this.content.floatingElements = [
      ].filter((el) => !el.classList.contains('cd-ignoreFloating'));

    return this.content.floatingElements;

   * Find floating and hidden (`display: none`) elements on the page.
   * @returns {Element[]}
  getHiddenElements() {
    if (!this.hiddenElements) {
      const hiddenElementSelector = this.getTsHiddenElementSelectors().join(', ');
      this.hiddenElements = hiddenElementSelector ?
        [...this.rootElement.querySelectorAll(hiddenElementSelector)] :

    return this.hiddenElements;

   * Check whether there is "LTR inside RTL" or "RTL inside LTR" nesting on the page.
   * @returns {boolean}
  areThereLtrRtlMixes() {
    this.content.areThereLtrRtlMixes ??= Boolean(
      document.querySelector('.sitedir-ltr .mw-content-rtl, .sitedir-rtl .mw-content-ltr')
    return this.content.areThereLtrRtlMixes;

   * Get the popup overlay used for OOUI components.
   * @returns {external:jQuery}
  getPopupOverlay() {
    this.$popupOverlay ??= $('<div>')
    return this.$popupOverlay;

   * Add a condition preventing page unload.
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {Function} condition
  addPreventUnloadCondition(name, condition) {
    this.beforeUnloadHandlers ||= {};
    this.beforeUnloadHandlers[name] = (e) => {
      if (!condition()) return;

      e.returnValue = '';
      return '';
    $(window).on('beforeunload', this.beforeUnloadHandlers[name]);

   * Remove a condition preventing page unload.
   * @param {string} name
  removePreventUnloadCondition(name) {
    if (!this.beforeUnloadHandlers[name]) return;

    $(window).off('beforeunload', this.beforeUnloadHandlers[name]);
    delete this.beforeUnloadHandlers[name];

   * _For internal use._ Handle a mouse move event (including `mousemove` and `mouseover`).
   * @param {Event} e
  handleMouseMove(e) {
    if (this.mouseMoveBlocked || this.isAutoScrolling() || this.isPageOverlayOn()) return;

    // Don't throttle. Without throttling, performance is generally OK, while the "frame rate" is
    // about 50 (so, the reaction time is about 20ms). Lower values would be less comfortable.
    this.emit('mouseMove', e);

   * _For internal use._ Are there elements obstructing the content area, like popups or windows.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isObstructingElementHovered() {
    if (this.notificationArea === undefined) {
      this.notificationArea = $('.mw-notification-area')[0];
      this.tocButton = $('#vector-page-titlebar-toc')[0];
      this.stickyHeader = $('#vector-sticky-header')[0];
      this.tocContent = $('.vector-dropdown-content')[0];

    OO.ui.throttle(() => {
      // We just list everything we know that can stand between the user and the content area where
      // comments reside. This is a very ugly method I resorted to because I honestly don't know the
      // alternatives. We can't put any element out there to check `:hover` on it because the
      // absence of such an element for comments is the reason why we need to check for obstructing
      // elements in the first place. On the other hand, if this incorrectly returns `false`, this
      // doesn't really affect anything important. It's just for better visual effects. Use vanilla
      // JS where possible.
      this.isObstructingElementHoveredCached = Boolean(
          ...(this.notificationArea?.querySelectorAll('.mw-notification') || []),
            .map((section) => section.actions.moreMenuSelect?.getMenu())
            .find((menu) => menu?.isVisible())
          .some((el) => el.matches(':hover')) ||

        // WikiEditor dialog
        $(document.body).children('.ui-dialog').not('[style*="display: none"]').length
    }, 100)();

    return this.isObstructingElementHoveredCached;

   * Handles the window `resize` event as well as `orientationchange`.
   * @private
  async handleWindowResize() {
    // `sleep()`, because it seems like sometimes it doesn't have time to update.
    await sleep( === 'vector-2022' ? 100 : 0);


   * Handles `keydown` event on the document.
   * @param {Event} e
   * @private
  handleGlobalKeyDown(e) {
    if (this.isPageOverlayOn()) return;

    this.emit('keydown', e);

   * _For internal use._ Handle a document's `scroll` event: Register seen comments, update the
   * navigation panel's first unseen button, and update the current section block. Trigger the
   * `horizontalscroll` event.
  handleScroll() {
    // Scroll will be handled when the autoscroll is finished.
    if (this.isAutoScrolling()) return;

    this.mouseMoveBlocked = true;

    // Throttle handling scroll to run not more than once in 300ms. Wait before running, otherwise
    // comments may be registered as seen after a press of Page Down/Page Up. One scroll in Chrome,
    // Firefox with Page Up/Page Down takes a little less than 200ms, but 200ms proved to be not
    // enough, so we try 300ms.
    this.throttledHandleScroll ||= OO.ui.throttle(() => {
      this.mouseMoveBlocked = false;

      if (this.isAutoScrolling()) return;

    }, 300);

    if (window.scrollX !== this.lastScrollX) {
    this.lastScrollX = window.scrollX;

   * Handle a `horizontalscroll` event, triggered from {@link module:controller.handleScroll}.
   * @private
  handleHorizontalScroll() {

   * Handle a `popstate` event, including clicks on links pointing to comment anchors.
   * @private
  handlePopState() {
    // Use `popstate`, not `hashchange`, because we need to handle cases when the user clicks a
    // link with the same fragment as is in the URL.
    try {
      this.emit('popState', decodeURIComponent(location.hash.slice(1)));
    } catch (e) {

    // Make sure the title has no incorrect new comment count when the user presses the "Back"
    // button after an (internal) page reload.

   * Handle a `selectionchange` event.
   * @private
  handleSelectionChange() {
    this.throttledHandleSelectionChange ||= OO.ui.throttle(() => {
    }, 200);

   * Handle page (content area) mutations.
   * @private
  handlePageMutate() {
    if (this.booting) return;


    // Could also run `this.handleScroll()` here, but not sure, as it would double the execution
    // time with rare effect.

   * Handle a click on an "Add topic" button excluding those added by the script.
   * @param {Event} e
   * @private
  handleAddTopicButtonClick(e) {
    if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey) return;

    const $button = $(e.currentTarget);
    let preloadConfig;
    let newTopicOnTop = false;
    if ($'a')) {
      const { searchParams } = new URL($button.prop('href'));
      preloadConfig = {
        editIntro: getLastArrayElementOrSelf(searchParams.getAll('editintro')),
        commentTemplate: getLastArrayElementOrSelf(searchParams.getAll('preload')),
        headline: getLastArrayElementOrSelf(searchParams.getAll('preloadtitle')),
        params: searchParams.getAll('preloadparams[]'),
        summary: getLastArrayElementOrSelf(searchParams.getAll('summary'))?.replace(/^.+?\*\/ */, ''),
        noHeadline: Boolean(getLastArrayElementOrSelf(searchParams.getAll('nosummary'))),
        omitSignature: Boolean(searchParams.get('cdomitsignature')),
      newTopicOnTop = getLastArrayElementOrSelf(searchParams.getAll('section')) === '0';
    } else {
      // <input>
      const $form = $button.closest('form');
      preloadConfig = {
        editIntro: $form.find('input[name="editintro"]').val(),
        commentTemplate: $form.find('input[name="preload"]').val(),
        headline: $form.find('input[name="preloadtitle"]').val(),
        params: $form.find('input[name="preloadparams[]"]').get().map((el) => el.value),
        summary: $form.find('input[name="summary"]').val(),
        noHeadline: Boolean($form.find('input[name="nosummary"]').val()),
        omitSignature: false,

    e.preventDefault();, undefined, preloadConfig, newTopicOnTop);

   * Is the page loading (the loading overlay is on).
   * @returns {boolean}
  isBooting() {
    return this.booting;

   * Is there any kind of a page overlay present, like the OOUI modal overlay or CD loading overlay.
   * This runs very frequently.
   * @returns {boolean}
  isPageOverlayOn() {
    return document.body.classList.contains('oo-ui-windowManager-modal-active') || this.booting;

   * Show the loading overlay (a logo in the corner of the page).
   * @private
  showLoadingOverlay() {
    if (window.cdShowLoadingOverlay === false) return;

    if (!this.$loadingPopup) {
      this.$loadingPopup = $('<div>')
              $('<img>').attr('src', ''),
    } else {

   * Hide the loading overlay.
   * @private
  hideLoadingOverlay() {
    if (!this.$loadingPopup || window.cdShowLoadingOverlay === false) return;


   * Run the {@link BootProcess boot process} and catch errors.
   * @param {boolean} isReload Is the page reloaded.
   * @private
  async tryExecuteBootProcess(isReload) {
    this.booting = true;

    // We could say "let it crash", but, well, unforeseen errors in `BootProcess#execute()` are just
    // too likely to go without a safeguard.
    try {
      await this.bootProcess.execute(isReload);
      if (isReload) {
    } catch (e) {
      mw.notify(cd.s('error-processpage'), { type: 'error' });

    this.booting = false;

   * Get the current (or last available) boot process.
   * @returns {?BootProcess}
  getBootProcess() {
    return this.bootProcess || null;

   * Load the data required for the script to run on a talk page and execute the
   * {@link BootProcess boot process}.
   * @private
  bootOnTalkPage() {
    if (!this.talkPage) return;

    debug.startTimer('load data');

     * Last boot process.
     * @type {BootProcess|undefined}
     * @private
    this.bootProcess = new BootProcess();

    let siteDataRequests = [];

    // Make some requests in advance if the API module is ready in order not to make 2 requests
    // sequentially. We don't make a `userinfo` request, because if there is more than one tab in
    // the background, this request is made and the execution stops at mw.loader.using, which
    // results in overriding the renewed visits setting of one tab by another tab (the visits are
    // loaded by one tab, then another tab, then written by one tab, then by another tab).
    if (mw.loader.getState('mediawiki.api') === 'ready') {
      siteDataRequests = init.getSiteData();

      // We are _not_ calling `getUserInfo()` here to avoid losing visit data updates from some
      // pages if several pages are opened simultaneously. In this situation, visits could be
      // requested for multiple pages; updated and then saved for each of them with losing the
      // updates from the rest.

    const modules = [
      mw.loader.getState('ext.confirmEdit.CaptchaInputWidget') ?
        'ext.confirmEdit.CaptchaInputWidget' :

    // `mw.loader.using` delays the execution even if all modules are ready (if CD is used as a
    // gadget with preloaded dependencies, for example), so we use this trick.
    let modulesRequest;
    if (modules.every((module) => mw.loader.getState(module) === 'ready')) {
      // If there is no data to load and, therefore, no period of time within which a reflow (layout
      // thrashing) could happen without impeding performance, we cache the value so that it could
      // be used in `.saveRelativeScrollPosition()` without causing a reflow.
      if (siteDataRequests.every((request) => request.state() === 'resolved')) {
        this.bootProcess.passedData = { scrollY: window.scrollY };
    } else {
      modulesRequest = mw.loader.using(modules);

    Promise.all([modulesRequest, ...siteDataRequests]).then(
      async () => {
        // Do it here because `OO.EventEmitter` can be unavailable before.

        await this.tryExecuteBootProcess();

          .on('check', (revisionId) => {
            this.lastCheckedRevisionId = revisionId;
          .on('commentsUpdate', this.updateAddedComments.bind(this));
      (e) => {
        mw.notify(cd.s('error-loaddata'), { type: 'error' });

    // "mw.loader state of module stuck at "loading" if
    // request was aborted"
    sleep(15000).then(() => {
      if (this.booting) {
        console.warn('The loading overlay stays for more than 15 seconds; removing it.');

    this.$contentColumn = skin$({
      timeless: '#mw-content',
      minerva: '#bodyContent',
      default: '#content',

      Additions of CSS set a stage for a future reflow which delays operations dependent on
      rendering, so we run them now, not after the requests are fulfilled, to save time. The overall
      order is like this:
      1. Make network requests (above).
      2. Run operations dependent on rendering, such as window.getComputedStyle() and jQuery's
         .css() (below). Normally they would initiate a reflow, but, as we haven't changed the
         layout or added CSS yet, there is nothing to update.
      3. Run operations that create prerequisites for a reflow, such as adding CSS. Thanks to the
         fact that the network requests, if any, are already pending, we don't lose time.

   * Reload the page via Ajax.
   * @param {import('./BootProcess').PassedData} [passedData={}] Data passed from the previous page
   *   state. See {@link PassedData} for the list of possible properties. `html`, `unseenCommentIds`
   *   properties are set in this function.
   * @throws {import('./CdError').default|Error}
  async reload(passedData = {}) {
    if (this.booting) return;

    passedData.isRevisionSliderRunning = Boolean(history.state?.sliderPos);
    const bootProcess = new BootProcess(passedData);

    // We reset the live timestamps only during the boot process, because we shouldn't dismount the
    // components of the current version of the page at least until a correct response to the parse
    // request is received. Otherwise, if the request fails, the user would be left with a
    // dysfunctional page.

    this.emit('beforeReload', bootProcess.passedData);

    if (!bootProcess.passedData.commentIds && !bootProcess.passedData.sectionId) {

    debug.startTimer('total time');
    debug.startTimer('get HTML');


    // Save time by requesting the options in advance. This also resets the cache since the `reuse`
    // argument is `false`.
    getUserInfo().catch((e) => {

    try {
      bootProcess.passedData.parseData = await, false, true);
    } catch (e) {
      if (bootProcess.passedData.wasCommentFormSubmitted) {
        throw e;
      } else {
        mw.notify(cd.s('error-reloadpage'), { type: 'error' });

    // Get IDs of unseen comments. This is used to arrange that they will still be there after
    // replying on or refreshing the page.
    bootProcess.passedData.unseenCommentIds = commentRegistry
      .query((comment) => comment.isSeen === false)
      .map((comment) =>;

    // At this point, the boot process can't be interrupted, so we can remove all traces of the
    // current page state.
    this.bootProcess = bootProcess;


    // Just submitted "Add section" form (it is outside of the `.$root` element). Forms that should
    // stay are detached above.


    debug.stopTimer('get HTML');

    await this.tryExecuteBootProcess(true);


    if (!bootProcess.passedData.commentIds && !bootProcess.passedData.sectionId) {

   * _For internal use._ Update the page's HTML and certain configuration values.
   * @param {object} parseData
  updatePageContents(parseData) {


    if ($('#catlinks').length) {
      const $categories = $($.parseHTML(parseData.categorieshtml));

      wgRevisionId: parseData.revid,
      wgCurRevisionId: parseData.revid,

   * Highlight mentions of the current user.
   * @param {external:jQuery} $content
   * @private
  highlightMentions($content) {
    if (!$'#mw-content-text, .cd-comment-part')) return;

    const currentUserName = cd.user.getName();
    const excludeSelector = [
      settings.get('reformatComments') ?
        'cd-comment-author' :
      .map((name) => `.${name}`)
      .join(', ');
        $content.hasClass('cd-comment-part') ?
          `a[title$=":${currentUserName}"], a[title*=":${currentUserName} ("]` :
          `.cd-comment-part a[title$=":${currentUserName}"], .cd-comment-part a[title*=":${currentUserName} ("]`
      .filter(function () {
        return (
          cd.g.userLinkRegexp.test(this.title) &&
          !this.closest(excludeSelector) &&
          Parser.processLink(this)?.userName === cd.user.getName()
      .each((i, link) => {

   * Add event listeners to `window`, `document`, hooks.
   * @private
  addEventListeners() {
    if (!settings.get('reformatComments')) {
      // The `mouseover` event allows to capture the state when the cursor is not moving but ends up
      // above a comment but not above any comment parts (for example, as a result of scrolling).
      // The benefit may be low compared to the performance cost, but it's unexpected when the user
      // scrolls a comment and it suddenly stops being highlighted because the cursor is between
      // neighboring `<p>`'s.
      $(document).on('mousemove mouseover', this.handleMouseMove.bind(this));

    // We need the `visibilitychange` event because many things may move while the document is
    // hidden, and movements are not processed when the document is hidden.
      .on('scroll visibilitychange', this.handleScroll.bind(this))
      .on(' visibilitychange', this.handleHorizontalScroll.bind(this))
      .on('selectionchange', this.handleSelectionChange.bind(this));

      .on('resize orientationchange', this.handleWindowResize.bind(this))
      .on('popstate', this.handlePopState.bind(this));

    // Should be above `mw.hook('wikipage.content').fire` so that it runs for the whole page content
    // as opposed to `$('.cd-comment-author-wrapper')`.

    // Mutation observer doesn't follow all possible comment position changes (for example,
    // initiated with adding new CSS) unfortunately.
    setInterval(this.handlePageMutate.bind(this), 1000);

    if ( {
      $(document).on('keydown', this.handleGlobalKeyDown.bind(this));


   * Bind a click handler to comment links to make them work as in-script comment links.
   * This method exists in addition to {@link module:controller.handlePopState}. It's preferable to
   * have click events handled by this method instead of `.handlePopState()` because that method, if
   * encounters `cdJumpedToComment` in the history state, doesn't scroll to the comment which is a
   * wrong behavior when the user clicks a link.
   * @param {external:jQuery} $content
   * @private
  connectToCommentLinks($content) {
    if (!$'#mw-content-text, .cd-commentForm-preview')) return;

      .filter(function () {
        return !this.onclick && Comment.isAnyId($(this).attr('href').slice(1));
      .on('click', function (e) {
        commentRegistry.getByAnyId($(this).attr('href').slice(1), true)?.scrollTo({
          expandThreads: true,
          pushState: true,

   * Handle firings of the hook
   * {@link'wikipage.content' wikipage.content}
   * (by using `mw.hook('wikipage.content').fire()`). This is performed by some user scripts, such
   * as QuickEdit.
   * @param {external:jQuery} $content
   * @private
  handleWikipageContentHookFirings($content) {
    if (!$'#mw-content-text')) return;

    const $root = $content.children('.mw-parser-output');
    if ($root.length && !$root.hasClass('cd-parse-started')) {
      this.reload({ isPageReloadedExternally: true });

   * Remove diff-related DOM elements.
   * @param {URLSearchParams} searchParams
   * @private
  cleanUpDom(searchParams) {
    if (!searchParams.has('diff') && !searchParams.has('oldid')) return;

    // Diff pages
      .children('.mw-revslider-container, .mw-diff-table-prefix, .diff, .oo-ui-element-hidden, .diff-hr, .diff-currentversion-title')

    // Revision navigation

    document.title = cd.mws('pagetitle',;
    this.originalPageTitle = document.title;

   * Remove fragment and revision parameters from the URL.
   * @param {URLSearchParams} searchParams
   * @private
  cleanUpUrl(searchParams) {
    const newQuery = Object.fromEntries(searchParams.entries());

    // `title` will be added automatically (after /wiki/ if possible, as a query parameter
    // otherwise).
    delete newQuery.title;

    delete newQuery.curid;
    delete newQuery.action;
    delete newQuery.redlink;
    delete newQuery.section;
    delete newQuery.cdaddtopic;
    delete newQuery.dtnewcommentssince;
    delete newQuery.dtinthread;

    let methodName;
    if (newQuery.diff || newQuery.oldid) {
      methodName = 'pushState';

      delete newQuery.diff;
      delete newQuery.oldid;
      delete newQuery.diffmode;
      delete newQuery.type;

      // Make the "Back" browser button work.
      $(window).on('popstate', () => {
        const { searchParams } = new URL(location.href);
        if (searchParams.has('diff') || searchParams.has('oldid')) {

      this.diffPage = false;
    } else if (!this.bootProcess.passedData.pushState) {
      // Don't reset the fragment if it will be set in the boot process from a comment ID or a
      // section ID, to avoid creating an extra history entry.
      methodName = 'replaceState';

    if (methodName) {
      history[methodName](history.state, '',;

   * Remove fragment and revision parameters from the URL; remove DOM elements related to the diff.
  cleanUpUrlAndDom() {
    if (this.bootProcess.passedData.isRevisionSliderRunning) return;

    const { searchParams } = new URL(location.href);

   * Load the data required for the script to process the page as a log page and
   * {@link module:addCommentLinks process it}.
   * @private
  bootOnCommentLinksPage() {
    if (
      !this.isWatchlistPage() &&
      !this.isContributionsPage() &&
      !this.isHistoryPage() &&
      !(this.diffPage && this.articlePageTalkPage) &&

      // Instant Diffs script can be called on talk pages as well
    ) {

    // Make some requests in advance if the API module is ready in order not to make 2 requests
    // sequentially.
    if (mw.loader.getState('mediawiki.api') === 'ready') {

      // Loading user info on diff pages could lead to problems with saving visits when many pages
      // are opened, but not yet focused, simultaneously.
      if (!this.talkPage) {
        getUserInfo(true).catch((e) => {

      () => {

        // See the comment above: "Additions of CSS...".

      (e) => {
        mw.notify(cd.s('error-loaddata'), { type: 'error' });

   * _For internal use._ Check whether the page qualifies to be considered a long page (which
   * affects attempting performance improvements).
   * @returns {boolean}
  isLongPage() {
    this.content.longPage ??= $(document).height() > 15000;
    return this.content.longPage;

   * Get the content root element (`.mw-parser-output` or `#mw-content-text`). Supposed to be used
   * via {@link convenientDiscussions.api.getRootElement}; inside the script, direct reference to
   * `controller.rootElement` is practiced.
   * @returns {Element}
  getRootElement() {
    return this.rootElement;

   * Show an edit subscriptions dialog.
  showEditSubscriptionsDialog() {
    if (this.isPageOverlayOn()) return;

    const dialog = new (require('./EditSubscriptionsDialog').default)();

   * Show a copy link dialog.
   * @param {Comment|import('./Section').default} object Comment or section to copy a link to.
   * @param {Event} e
  showCopyLinkDialog(object, e) {
    if (this.isPageOverlayOn()) return;


    const fragment = object.getWikilinkFragment();
    const permalinkSpecialPageName = (
      mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[-1] +
      ':' +
      cd.g.specialPageAliases.PermanentLink[0] +
      '/' +
    const content = {
      wikilink: `[[${}#${fragment}]]`,
      currentPageWikilink: `[[#${fragment}]]`,
      permanentWikilink: `[[${permalinkSpecialPageName}#${fragment}]]`,
      link: object.getUrl(),
      permanentLink: object.getUrl(true),
      copyMessages: {
        success: cd.s('copylink-copied'),
        fail: cd.s('copylink-error'),

    // Undocumented feature allowing to copy a link of a default type without opening a dialog.
    const relevantSetting = object instanceof Comment ?
      settings.get('defaultCommentLinkType') :
    if (!e.shiftKey && relevantSetting) {
      switch (relevantSetting) {
        case 'wikilink':
          copyText(content.wikilink, content.copyMessages);
        case 'link':
          copyText(, content.copyMessages);

    const dialog = new (require('./CopyLinkDialog').default)(object, content);

   * Scroll to a specified position vertically.
   * @param {number} y
   * @param {boolean} [smooth=true]
   * @param {Function} [callback]
  scrollToY(y, smooth = true, callback) {
    const onComplete = () => {

    if (smooth) {
      $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: y }, {
        complete: function () {
          if (this !== document.documentElement) return;
    } else {
      window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, y);

   * Set up a
   * {@link MutationObserver}
   * instance to handle page mutations.
  async setupMutationObserver() {
    // Create the mutation observer in the next event cycle - let most DOM changes by CD and scripts
    // attached to the hooks to be made first to reduce the number of times it runs in vain. But if
    // we set a long delay, users will see comment backgrounds mispositioned for some time.
    await sleep();

    this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((records) => {
      const layerClassRegexp = /^cd-comment(-underlay|-overlay|Layers)/;
      if (records.every((record) => layerClassRegexp.test( return;

    this.mutationObserver.observe(this.$content[0], {
      attributes: true,
      childList: true,
      subtree: true,

   * Show a regular notification (`mw.notification`) to the user.
   * @param {import('./CommentSkeleton').CommentSkeletonLike[]} comments
   * @private
  showRegularNotification(comments) {
    let filteredComments = [];
    if (settings.get('notifications') === 'all') {
      filteredComments = comments;
    } else if (settings.get('notifications') === 'toMe') {
      filteredComments = comments.filter((comment) => comment.isToMe);

    if (settings.get('notifications') !== 'none' && filteredComments.length) {
      // Combine with content of notifications that were displayed but are still open (i.e., the
      // user most likely didn't see them because the tab is in the background). In the past there
      // could be more than one notification, now there can be only one.
      const openNotification = notifications.get()
        .find((data) => data.comments && data.notification.isOpen);
      if (openNotification) {

    if (filteredComments.length) {
      let html;
      const reloadHtml = cd.sParse(

        // Note about the form data
        commentFormRegistry.getAll().some((cf) => cf.isAltered()) ?
          ' ' + cd.mws('parentheses', cd.s('notification-formdata')) :
      if (filteredComments.length === 1) {
        const comment = filteredComments[0];
        if (comment.isToMe) {
          const where = comment.sectionSubscribedTo ?
              cd.mws('word-separator') +
              cd.s('notification-part-insection', comment.sectionSubscribedTo.headline)
            ) :
            cd.mws('word-separator') + cd.s('notification-part-onthispage');
          html = (
            cd.sParse('notification-toyou',,, where) +
            ' ' +
        } else {
          html = (
            ) +
            ' ' +
      } else {
        const isCommonSection = filteredComments.every((comment) => (
          comment.sectionSubscribedTo === filteredComments[0].sectionSubscribedTo
        const section = isCommonSection ? filteredComments[0].sectionSubscribedTo : undefined;
        const where = (
          cd.mws('word-separator') +
            section ?
              cd.s('notification-part-insection', section.headline) :
        let mayBeRelevantString = cd.s('notification-newcomments-mayberelevant');
        if (!mayBeRelevantString.startsWith(cd.mws('comma-separator'))) {
          mayBeRelevantString = cd.mws('word-separator') + mayBeRelevantString;

        // "that may be relevant to you" text is not needed when the section is watched and the user
        // can clearly understand why they are notified.
        const mayBeRelevant = section ? '' : mayBeRelevantString;

        html = (
          cd.sParse('notification-newcomments', filteredComments.length, where, mayBeRelevant) +
          ' ' +

      const notification = notifications.add(
        { tag: 'convenient-discussions-new-comments' },
        { comments: filteredComments }
      notification.$notification.on('click', () => {
        this.reload({ commentIds: => });

   * Show a desktop notification to the user.
   * @param {import('./CommentSkeleton').CommentSkeletonLike[]} comments
   * @private
  showDesktopNotification(comments) {
    let filteredComments = [];
    if (settings.get('desktopNotifications') === 'all') {
      filteredComments = comments;
    } else if (settings.get('desktopNotifications') === 'toMe') {
      filteredComments = comments.filter((comment) => comment.isToMe);

    if (
      typeof Notification === 'undefined' ||
      Notification.permission !== 'granted' ||
      !filteredComments.length ||
    ) {

    let body;
    const comment = filteredComments[0];
    const currentPageName =;
    if (filteredComments.length === 1) {
      if (comment.isToMe) {
        const where = comment.section?.headline ?
          cd.mws('word-separator') + cd.s('notification-part-insection', comment.section.headline) :
        body = cd.s(
      } else {
        body = cd.s(
    } else {
      let section;
      const isCommonSection = filteredComments.every((comment) => (
        comment.sectionSubscribedTo === filteredComments[0].sectionSubscribedTo
      if (isCommonSection) {
        section = filteredComments[0].sectionSubscribedTo;
      const where = section ?
        cd.mws('word-separator') + cd.s('notification-part-insection', section.headline) :
      let mayBeRelevantString = cd.s('notification-newcomments-mayberelevant');
      if (!mayBeRelevantString.startsWith(cd.mws('comma-separator'))) {
        mayBeRelevantString = cd.mws('word-separator') + mayBeRelevantString;

      // "that may be relevant to you" text is not needed when the section is watched and the user
      // can clearly understand why they are notified.
      const mayBeRelevant = section ? '' : mayBeRelevantString;

      body = cd.s(

    const notification = new Notification(mw.config.get('wgSiteName'), {

      // We use a tag so that there aren't duplicate notifications when the same page is opened in
      // two tabs. (Seems it doesn't work? :-/)
      tag: 'convenient-discussions-' + filteredComments[filteredComments.length - 1].id,
    notification.onclick = () => {

      // Just in case, old browsers. TODO: delete?


        commentIds: [],
        closeNotificationsSmoothly: false,

   * Update the data about added comments (new comments added while the page was idle), update page
   * components accordingly, show notifications.
   * @param {import('./CommentSkeleton').CommentSkeletonLike[]} all
   * @param {import('./CommentSkeleton').CommentSkeletonLike[]} relevant
  updateAddedComments(all, relevant) {
    this.addedCommentCount = all.length;
    this.areRelevantCommentsAdded = Boolean(relevant.length);
    if (relevant.length) {
      this.relevantAddedCommentIds = =>;
    } else if (all.length) {
      this.relevantAddedCommentIds = =>;

    this.emit('addedCommentsUpdate', {
      bySection: Comment.groupBySection(all),


    const commentsToNotifyAbout = relevant
      .filter((comment) => !this.commentsNotifiedAbout.some((cna) => ===;

   * _For internal use._ Update the page title to show:
   * - What state the page is in according to the user's action (replying, editing, starting a
   *   section or subsection, or none).
   * - The number of comments added to the page since it was loaded. If used without parameters,
   *   restore the previous value (if could be changed by the browser when the "Back" button is
   *   clicked).
  updatePageTitle() {
    let title = this.originalPageTitle;
    const lastActiveCommentForm = commentFormRegistry.getLastActive();
    if (lastActiveCommentForm) {
      const ending = lastActiveCommentForm
      title = cd.s(`page-title-${ending}`, title);

    if (this.addedCommentCount === 0) {
      // A hack for Chrome (at least) for cases when the "Back" button of the browser is clicked.
      document.title = '';

    const relevantMark = this.areRelevantCommentsAdded ? '*' : '';
    document.title = title.replace(
      /^(?:\(\d+\*?\) )?/,
      this.addedCommentCount ?
        `(${this.addedCommentCount}${relevantMark}) ` :

   * Get the IDs of the comments that should be jumped to after reloading the page.
   * @type {?(string[])}
  getRelevantAddedCommentIds() {
    return this.relevantAddedCommentIds;

   * _For internal use._ If every changed comment on the page has been seen and there are no new
   * comments on the page that are not displayed, mark the page as read.
  maybeMarkPageAsRead() {
    if (
      !this.addedCommentCount &&
      commentRegistry.getAll().every((comment) => !comment.willFlashChangedOnSight) &&
    ) {;

   * Create an appropriate {@link Subscriptions} singleton based on the user settings.
   * @returns {import('./Subscriptions').default}
  getSubscriptionsInstance() {
    this.subscriptionsInstance ||= new (
      settings.get('useTopicSubscription') ? DtSubscriptions : LegacySubscriptions

    return this.subscriptionsInstance;

   * _For internal use._ Bind a click handler to every known "Add topic" button out of our
   * control (and update the behavior of the native "Add topic" button).
  connectToAddTopicButtons() {
    this.$addTopicButtons = $(
        '#ca-addsection a',
        '.cd-addTopicButton a',
        '.commentbox input[type="submit"]',
        '.createbox input[type="submit"]',
        .join(', ')
      .filter(function () {
        const $button = $(this);

        // When DT's new topic tool is enabled
        if (
          mw.util.getParamValue('section') === 'new' &&
          $button.parent().attr('id') !== 'ca-addsection' &&
        ) {
          return false;

        let pageName;
        let url;
        if ($'a')) {
          url = new URL($button.prop('href'));
          pageName = getLastArrayElementOrSelf(url.searchParams.getAll('title'))
            ?.replace(/^Special:NewSection\//i, '');
        } else if ($'input')) {
          pageName = $button
        } else {
          return false;
        let page;
        try {
          page = pageRegistry.get(pageName);
        } catch (e) {
          return false;
        if (page !== {
          return false;
        if ($'a')) {
          url.searchParams.set('dtenable', 0);
          $button.attr('href', url);
        return true;

    if (!$('#ca-addsection a').length && this.$addTopicButtons.length === 1) {
      this.$emulatedAddTopicButton = $(mw.util.addPortletLink(
      this.$addTopicButtons = this.$addTopicButtons.add(

      // DT may add its handler (as adds to a "Start new discussion" button on 404 pages). DT's "Add
      // topic" button click handler is trickier, see below.

      .on('', this.handleAddTopicButtonClick.bind(this))
      .filter(function () {
        const $button = $(this);
        return (
          !cd.g.isDtNewTopicToolEnabled &&
          !($'a') && Number(mw.util.getParamValue('cdaddtopic', $button.attr('href'))))
      .attr('title', cd.s('addtopicbutton-tooltip'));

    $('#ca-addsection a').updateTooltipAccessKeys();

    // In case DT's new topic tool is enabled, remove the handler of the "Add topic" button.
    const dtHandler = $._data(document.body).events?.click
      ?.find((event) => event.selector?.includes('data-mw-comment'))
    if (dtHandler) {
      $(document.body).off('click', dtHandler);

   * Get the list of DiscussionTools threads that are related to subscribable (2-level) threads.
   * This is updated on page reload.
   * @returns {object[]}
  getDtSubscribableThreads() {
    this.dtSubscribableThreads ||= mw.config.get('wgDiscussionToolsPageThreads')
            .filter((thread) => thread.headingLevel === 1)
            .map((thread) => thread.replies)
      .filter((thread) => thread.headingLevel === 2);

    return this.dtSubscribableThreads;

   * Check whether subscribing is disabled on this page despite it being an active page (because
   * it's a user's own talk page).
   * @returns {boolean}
  isSubscribingDisabled() {
    return && !['all', 'toMe'].includes(settings.get('desktopNotifications'));