
 * Module loaded on pages where we add comment links to history entries (sometimes more).
 * @module addCommentLinks

import Comment from './Comment';
import PrototypeRegistry from './PrototypeRegistry';
import cd from './cd';
import commentRegistry from './commentRegistry';
import controller from './controller';
import init from './init';
import pageRegistry from './pageRegistry';
import settings from './settings';
import { definedAndNotNull, generatePageNamePattern, isCommentEdit, isProbablyTalkPage, isUndo, removeDirMarks, spacesToUnderlines } from './utils-general';
import { initDayjs, parseTimestamp } from './utils-timestamp';

let colon;
let moveFromBeginning;
let moveToBeginning;
let goToCommentToYou;
let goToCommentWatchedSection;
let currentUserRegexp;
let switchRelevantButton;
let subscriptions;

const prototypes = new PrototypeRegistry();

 * Initialize variables.
 * @private
async function initialize() {
  // This could have been executed from `init.talkPage()` already.
  await settings.init();

  const requests = [...init.getSiteData()];
  if (cd.user.isRegistered() && !settings.get('useTopicSubscription')) {
    // Loading the subscriptions is not critical, as opposed to messages, so we catch the possible
    // error, not letting it be caught by the try/catch block.
    subscriptions = controller.getSubscriptionsInstance();
    requests.push(subscriptions.load(undefined, true).catch(() => {}));

  try {
    await Promise.all(requests);
  } catch (e) {
    throw ['Couldn\'t load the data required for the script.', e];

  mw.loader.addStyleTag(`:root {
    --cd-parentheses-start: '${cd.mws('parentheses-start')}';
    --cd-parentheses-end: '${cd.mws('parentheses-end')}';

  colon = cd.mws('colon-separator', { language: 'content' }).trim();
  [moveFromBeginning] = cd.s('es-move-from').match(/^[^[$]+/) || [];
  [moveToBeginning] = cd.s('es-move-to').match(/^[^[$]+/) || [];

  goToCommentToYou = goToCommentWatchedSection = cd.s('lp-comment-tooltip') + ' ';
  goToCommentToYou += cd.mws('parentheses', cd.s('lp-comment-toyou'));
  goToCommentWatchedSection += cd.mws('parentheses', cd.s('lp-comment-watchedsection'));

  const $aRegularPrototype = $('<a>')
    .attr('title', cd.s('lp-comment-tooltip'));
  const $spanRegularPrototype = $('<span>')
  const $wrapperRegularPrototype = $('<span>')
    .prepend(' ');
  prototypes.add('wrapperRegular', $wrapperRegularPrototype[0]);

  const currentUserNamePattern = generatePageNamePattern(cd.g.userName);
  currentUserRegexp = new RegExp(

 * Show/hide relevant edits.
 * @private
function switchRelevant() {
  // Item grouping switched on. This may be done in the settings or in the URL.
  const isEnhanced = !$('.mw-changeslist').find('ul.special').length;

  // This is for many watchlist types at once.
  const $collapsibles = controller.$content
    .find('.mw-changeslist .mw-collapsible:not(.mw-changeslist-legend)');
  const $lines = controller.$content.find('.mw-changeslist-line:not(table)');

  if (switchRelevantButton.hasFlag('progressive')) {
    // Show all
    // FIXME: Old watchlist (no JS) + ?enhanced=1&urlversion=2
    if (isEnhanced) {
    } else {
  } else {
    // Show relevant only
  switchRelevantButton.setFlags({ progressive: !switchRelevantButton.hasFlag('progressive') });

 * Add watchlist menu (a block with buttons).
 * @private
function addWatchlistMenu() {
  if (!subscriptions) return;

  // For auto-updating watchlists
  mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(() => {
    switchRelevantButton?.setFlags({ progressive: false });

  const $menu = $('<div>').addClass('cd-watchlistMenu');
    .attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(cd.config.scriptPageWikilink))
    .attr('target', '_blank')

  switchRelevantButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
    framed: false,
    icon: 'speechBubble',
    label: cd.s('wl-button-switchrelevant-tooltip', mw.user),
    invisibleLabel: true,
    title: cd.s('wl-button-switchrelevant-tooltip', mw.user),
    classes: ['cd-watchlistMenu-button', 'cd-watchlistMenu-button-switchRelevant'],
    disabled: !subscriptions.areLoaded(),
  switchRelevantButton.on('click', () => {

  const editSubscriptionsButtonConfig = {
    framed: false,
    icon: 'listBullet',
    label: cd.s('wl-button-editwatchedsections-tooltip', mw.user),
    invisibleLabel: true,
    title: cd.s('wl-button-editwatchedsections-tooltip', mw.user),
    classes: ['cd-watchlistMenu-button', 'cd-watchlistMenu-button-editSubscriptions'],
  const editSubscriptionsButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget(editSubscriptionsButtonConfig);
  editSubscriptionsButton.on('click', () => {

  const settingsButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
    framed: false,
    icon: 'settings',
    label: cd.s('wl-button-settings-tooltip'),
    invisibleLabel: true,
    title: cd.s('wl-button-settings-tooltip'),
    classes: ['cd-watchlistMenu-button', 'cd-watchlistMenu-button-scriptSettings'],
  settingsButton.on('click', () => {

  // New watchlist

  // Old watchlist
  controller.$content.find('#mw-watchlist-options .mw-changeslist-legend').after($menu);

 * Whether the provided link element points to a Wikidata item.
 * @param {Element} linkElement
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @private
function isWikidataItem(linkElement) {
  return (
    cd.g.serverName === '' &&

 * Extract an author given a revision line.
 * @param {Element} line
 * @returns {?string}
 * @private
function extractAuthor(line) {
  const authorElement = line.querySelector('.mw-userlink');
  if (!authorElement) {
    return null;
  let author = authorElement.textContent;
  if (author === 'MediaWiki message delivery') {
    return null;
  if (mw.util.isIPv6Address(author)) {
    author = author.toUpperCase();
  return author;

 * Check by an edit summary if an edit is probably a move performed by our script.
 * @param {string} summary
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @private
function isMoved(summary) {
  return (
    (moveFromBeginning && summary.includes(': ' + moveFromBeginning)) ||
    (moveToBeginning && summary.includes(': ' + moveToBeginning))

 * Check by an edit summary if an edit is probably an archiving operation.
 * @param {string} summary
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @private
function isArchiving(summary) {
  return summary.includes('Archiving');

 * Check by an edit summary if it is an edit in a section with given name.
 * @param {string} summary
 * @param {string} name
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @private
function isInSection(summary, name) {
  if (!name) {
    return false;

  // This can run many thousand times, so we use the cheapest way.
  return cd.g.contentDirection === 'ltr' ?
    summary.includes(`→${name}${colon}`) || summary.endsWith(`→${name}`) :
    summary.includes(`←${name}${colon}`) || summary.endsWith(`←${name}`);

 * Add comment links to a watchlist or a recent changes page. Add a watchlist menu to the watchlist.
 * @param {external:jQuery} $content
 * @private
function processWatchlist($content) {
  if (
    mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Watchlist' &&
  ) {
    if (mw.user.options.get('wlenhancedfilters-disable')) {
    } else {
      mw.hook('structuredChangeFilters.ui.initialized').add(() => {

    if (subscriptions) {
      $('.mw-rcfilters-ui-filterWrapperWidget-showNewChanges a').on('click', async () => {
        // Reload in case the subscription list has changed (which should be a pretty common
        // occasion)
        await subscriptions.load();

  // There are 2 ^ 3 = 8 (!) different watchlist modes:
  // * expanded and not (Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-watchlist "Expand watchlist to show all
  //   changes, not just the most recent")
  // * with item grouping and without (Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rc "Group changes by page
  //   in recent changes and watchlist")
  // * with enhanced fitlers and without (Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-watchlist "Use
  //   non-JavaScript interface")
  const lines = $content[0].querySelectorAll('.mw-changeslist-line[data-mw-revid]');
  lines.forEach((lineOrBareTr) => {
    const line = lineOrBareTr.className ? lineOrBareTr : lineOrBareTr.parentNode.parentNode;
    const nsMatch = line.className.match(/mw-changeslist-ns(\d+)/);
    const nsNumber = nsMatch && Number(nsMatch[1]);
    if (nsNumber === null) return;

    const isNested = line.tagName === 'TR';
    const linkElement = (isNested ? line.parentNode : line).querySelector('.mw-changeslist-title');
    if (!linkElement || isWikidataItem(linkElement)) return;

    const pageName = linkElement.textContent;
    if (!isProbablyTalkPage(pageName, nsNumber)) return;

    if (line.querySelector('.minoredit')) return;

    let summary = line.querySelector('.comment')?.textContent;
    summary &&= removeDirMarks(summary);
    if (summary && (isCommentEdit(summary) || isUndo(summary) || isMoved(summary))) return;

    const bytesAddedElement = line.querySelector('.mw-plusminus-pos');
    if (!bytesAddedElement) return;

    if (bytesAddedElement.tagName !== 'STRONG') {
      const bytesAddedMatch = bytesAddedElement.textContent.match(/\d+/);
      const bytesAdded = bytesAddedMatch && Number(bytesAddedMatch[0]);
      if (!bytesAdded || bytesAdded < cd.config.bytesToDeemComment) return;

    const timestamp = line.getAttribute('data-mw-ts')?.slice(0, 12);
    if (!timestamp) return;

    const author = extractAuthor(line);
    if (!author) return;

    const id = timestamp + '_' + spacesToUnderlines(author);

    const link = linkElement.href;
    if (!link) return;

    let wrapper;
    if (summary && currentUserRegexp.test(` ${summary} `)) {
      wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRelevant');
      wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.title = goToCommentToYou;
    } else {
      let isWatched = false;
      if (summary) {
        const curLink = (
          // Expanded watchlist
          line.querySelector('.mw-changeslist-diff-cur') ||

          // Non-expanded watchlist
        const curIdMatch = curLink?.href?.match(/[&?]curid=(\d+)/);
        const curId = curIdMatch && Number(curIdMatch[1]);
        if (curId) {
          const watchedSectionHeadlines = subscriptions?.getForPageId(curId) || [];
          if (watchedSectionHeadlines.length) {
            isWatched = watchedSectionHeadlines.find((headline) => isInSection(summary, headline));
            if (isWatched) {
              wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRelevant');
              wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.title = goToCommentWatchedSection;
      if (!isWatched) {
        wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRegular');

    wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.href = `${link}#${id}`;

    const destination = line.querySelector('.comment') || line.querySelector('.mw-usertoollinks');
    if (!destination) return;

    destination.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, destination.nextSibling);

 * Add comment links to a contributions page.
 * @param {external:jQuery} $content
 * @private
function processContributions($content) {
  if (cd.g.uiTimezone === null) return;

    ...$content[0].querySelectorAll('.mw-contributions-list > li:not(.mw-tag-mw-new-redirect)')
  ].forEach((line) => {
    const linkElement = line.querySelector('.mw-contributions-title');
    if (!linkElement || isWikidataItem(linkElement)) return;

    const pageName = linkElement.textContent;
    const page = pageRegistry.get(pageName);
    if (!page.isProbablyTalkPage()) return;

    const link = linkElement.href;
    if (!link) return;

    if (line.querySelector('.minoredit')) return;

    let summary = line.querySelector('.comment')?.textContent;
    summary &&= removeDirMarks(summary);
    if (summary && (isCommentEdit(summary) || isUndo(summary) || isMoved(summary))) return;

    const bytesAddedElement = line.querySelector('.mw-plusminus-pos');
    if (!bytesAddedElement) return;

    if (bytesAddedElement.tagName !== 'STRONG') {
      const bytesAddedMatch = bytesAddedElement.textContent.match(/\d+/);
      const bytesAdded = bytesAddedMatch && Number(bytesAddedMatch[0]);
      if (!bytesAdded || bytesAdded < cd.config.bytesToDeemComment) return;

    const dateElement = line.querySelector('.mw-changeslist-date');
    if (!dateElement) return;

    const { date } = parseTimestamp(dateElement.textContent, cd.g.uiTimezone) || {};
    if (!date) return;

    const id = Comment.generateId(date, mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName'));

    let wrapper;
    if (summary && currentUserRegexp.test(` ${summary} `)) {
      wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRelevant');
      wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.title = goToCommentToYou;
    } else {
      // We have no place to extract the article ID from :-(
      wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRegular');
    wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.href = `${link}#${id}`;

    let destination = line.querySelector('.comment');
    if (!destination) {
      destination = linkElement;
      destination.nextSibling.textContent = destination.nextSibling.textContent.replace(/^\s/, '');
    destination.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, destination.nextSibling);

 * Add comment links to a history page.
 * @param {external:jQuery} $content
 * @private
function processHistory($content) {
  if (cd.g.uiTimezone === null) return;

  const link =;
      .querySelectorAll('#pagehistory > li, #pagehistory > .mw-contributions-list > li:not(.mw-tag-mw-new-redirect)')
  ].forEach((line) => {
    if (line.querySelector('.minoredit')) return;

    let summary = line.querySelector('.comment')?.textContent;
    summary &&= removeDirMarks(summary);
    if (summary && (isCommentEdit(summary) || isUndo(summary) || isMoved(summary))) return;

    const bytesAddedElement = line.querySelector('.mw-plusminus-pos');
    if (!bytesAddedElement) return;

    if (bytesAddedElement.tagName !== 'STRONG') {
      const bytesAddedMatch = bytesAddedElement.textContent.match(/\d+/);
      const bytesAdded = bytesAddedMatch && Number(bytesAddedMatch[0]);
      if (!bytesAdded || bytesAdded < cd.config.bytesToDeemComment) return;

    const dateElement = line.querySelector('.mw-changeslist-date');
    if (!dateElement) return;

    const { date } = parseTimestamp(dateElement.textContent, cd.g.uiTimezone) || {};
    if (!date) return;

    const author = extractAuthor(line);
    if (!author) return;

    const id = Comment.generateId(date, author);

    let wrapper;
    if (summary && currentUserRegexp.test(` ${summary} `)) {
      wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRelevant');
      wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.title = goToCommentToYou;
    } else {
      let isWatched = false;
      if (summary) {
        const watchedSectionHeadlines = subscriptions?.getForCurrentPage() || [];
        if (watchedSectionHeadlines.length) {
          isWatched = watchedSectionHeadlines.find((headline) => isInSection(summary, headline));
          if (isWatched) {
            wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRelevant');
            wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.title = goToCommentWatchedSection;
      if (!isWatched) {
        wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRegular');
    wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.href = `${link}#${id}`;

    let destination = line.querySelector('.comment');
    if (!destination) {
      const separators = line.querySelectorAll('.mw-changeslist-separator');
      destination = separators?.[separators.length - 1];
    if (!destination) return;

    destination.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, destination.nextSibling);

 * Add a comment link to a diff view.
 * @param {external:jQuery} [$diff]
 * @fires commentLinksAdded
 * @private
function processDiff($diff) {
  // Filter out cases when "wikipage.diff" was fired for the native MediaWiki's diff at the top of
  // the page that is a diff page (unless only a diff, and no content, is displayed - if
  // mw.user.options.get('diffonly') or the "diffonly" URL parameter is true). We parse that diff on
  // "convenientDiscussions.pageReady" instead.
  if (controller.isTalkPage() && $diff?.parent().is(controller.$content)) return;

  if (!cd.g.uiTimestampRegexp) {
  if (cd.g.uiTimezone === null) return;

  const $root = $diff || controller.$content;
  const root = $root[0];
  [root.querySelector('.diff-otitle'), root.querySelector('.diff-ntitle')]
    .forEach((area) => {
      if (area.querySelector('.minoredit')) return;


      let summary = area.querySelector('.comment')?.textContent;
      summary &&= removeDirMarks(summary);

      // In diffs, archivation can't be captured by looking at bytes added.
      if (
        summary &&
        (isCommentEdit(summary) || isUndo(summary) || isMoved(summary) || isArchiving(summary))
      ) {

      const dateElement = area.querySelector('#mw-diff-otitle1 a, #mw-diff-ntitle1 a');
      if (!dateElement) return;

      const { date } = parseTimestamp(dateElement.textContent, cd.g.uiTimezone) || {};
      if (!date) return;

      const author = extractAuthor(area);
      if (!author) return;

      const id = Comment.generateId(date, author);

      let comment;
      let page;
      if ($diff) {
        page = pageRegistry.get((new URL(dateElement.href)).searchParams.get('title'));
      } else {
        comment = commentRegistry.getById(id, true);
      if (comment || ($diff && page.isProbablyTalkPage())) {
        let wrapper;
        if (summary && currentUserRegexp.test(` ${summary} `)) {
          wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRelevant');
          wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.title = goToCommentToYou;
        } else {
          let isWatched = false;
          const watchedSectionHeadlines = subscriptions?.getForCurrentPage() || [];
          if (!$diff && summary && watchedSectionHeadlines.length) {
            isWatched = watchedSectionHeadlines.find((headline) => isInSection(summary, headline));
            if (isWatched) {
              wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRelevant');
              wrapper.lastChild.lastChild.title = goToCommentWatchedSection;
          if (!isWatched) {
            wrapper = prototypes.get('wrapperRegular');

        const linkElement = wrapper.lastChild.lastChild;
        if ($diff) {
          linkElement.href = page.getUrl() + '#' + id;

          // Non-diff pages that have a diff, like with Serhio Magpie's Instant Diffs.
          if (controller.isTalkPage()) {
   = '_blank';
        } else {
          linkElement.href = '#' + id;
          linkElement.onclick = (e) => {
              smooth: false,
              pushState: true,

        const destination = area.querySelector('#mw-diff-otitle3, #mw-diff-ntitle3');
        if (!destination) return;


   * Comments links have been added to the revisions listed on the page.
   * @event commentLinksAdded
   * @param {external:jQuery} $root Root element of content to which the comment links were added.
   * @param {object} cd {@link convenientDiscussions} object.
   * @global
  mw.hook('convenientDiscussions.commentLinksAdded').fire($root, cd);

 * Add comment links to the revisions listed on the page that is a revision list page (not a diff
 * page, for instance).
 * @param {external:jQuery} $content
 * @private
function processRevisionListPage($content) {
  // Occurs in the watchlist when mediawiki.rcfilters.filters.ui module for some reason fires
  // wikipage.content for the second time with an element that is not in the DOM,
  // fieldset#mw-watchlist-options (in the mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget#onChangesModelUpdate
  // function).
  if (!$content.parent().length) return;

  if (controller.isWatchlistPage()) {
  } else if (controller.isContributionsPage()) {
  } else if (controller.isHistoryPage()) {

  mw.hook('convenientDiscussions.commentLinksAdded').fire($content, cd);

 * _For internal use._ The entry function for the comment links adding mechanism.
export default async function addCommentLinks() {
  try {
    await initialize();
  } catch (e) {

  if (controller.isDiffPage()) {
    mw.hook('convenientDiscussions.pageReady').add(() => {
  } else {
    // Hook on wikipage.content to make the code work with the watchlist auto-update feature.

  // Diffs generated by scripts, like Serhio Magpie's Instant Diffs.

 * _For internal use._ When on the Special:Search page, searching for a comment after choosing that
 * option from the "Couldn't find the comment" message, add comment links to titles.
export function addCommentLinksToSpecialSearch() {
  if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== 'Search') return;

  const [, commentId] =[?&]cdcomment=([^&]+)(?:&|$)/) || [];
  if (commentId) {
      async () => {
        await Promise.all(init.getSiteData());
        $('.mw-search-result-heading').each((i, el) => {
          const originalHref = $(el)
            ' ',
                  .attr('href', `${originalHref}#${commentId}`)