import Button from './Button';
import CdError from './CdError';
import Comment from './Comment';
import LiveTimestamp from './LiveTimestamp';
import PrototypeRegistry from './PrototypeRegistry';
import SectionSkeleton from './SectionSkeleton';
import SectionSource from './SectionSource';
import cd from './cd';
import commentFormRegistry from './commentFormRegistry';
import controller from './controller';
import pageRegistry from './pageRegistry';
import sectionRegistry from './sectionRegistry';
import settings from './settings';
import toc from './toc';
import { handleApiReject } from './utils-api';
import { defined, getHeadingLevel, underlinesToSpaces, unique } from './utils-general';
import { formatDate } from './utils-timestamp';
import { encodeWikilink, maskDistractingCode, normalizeCode } from './utils-wikitext';
import { getRangeContents } from './utils-window';
* Class representing a section.
* @augments SectionSkeleton
class Section extends SectionSkeleton {
* Create a section object.
* @param {import('./Parser').default} parser
* @param {object} heading Heading object returned by {@link Parser#findHeadings}.
* @param {object[]} targets Sorted target objects returned by {@link Parser#findSignatures} +
* {@link Parser#findHeadings}.
* @param {import('./Subscriptions').default} subscriptions
* @throws {CdError}
constructor(parser, heading, targets, subscriptions) {
super(parser, heading, targets, subscriptions);
this.subscriptions = subscriptions;
this.useTopicSubscription = settings.get('useTopicSubscription');
* Automatically updated sequental number of the section.
* @type {?number}
this.liveSectionNumber = this.sectionNumber;
* Revision ID of {@link Section#liveSectionNumber}.
* @type {number}
this.liveSectionNumberRevisionId = mw.config.get('wgRevisionId');
* Wiki page that has the source code of the section (may be different from the current page if
* the section is transcluded from another page). This property may be wrong on old version
* pages where there are no edit section links.
* @type {import('./pageRegistry').Page}
this.sourcePage = this.sourcePageName ?
pageRegistry.get(this.sourcePageName) :;
delete this.sourcePageName;
* Is the section transcluded from a template (usually, that template in turn transludes
* content, like here:
* @type {boolean}
this.isTranscludedFromTemplate = this.sourcePage?.namespaceId === 10;
* Is the section actionable. (If it is in a closed discussion or on an old version page, then
* no).
* @type {boolean}
this.isActionable = ( &&
!controller.getClosedDiscussions().some((el) => el.contains(this.headingElement)) &&
if (this.isTranscludedFromTemplate) {
this.comments.forEach((comment) => {
comment.isActionable = false;
* Headline element as a jQuery object.
* @type {external:jQuery}
this.$headline = $(this.headlineElement);
* Heading element as a jQuery element.
* @type {external:jQuery}
this.$heading = $(this.headingElement);
* Is the section visible (`visibility: visible` as opposed to `visibility: hidden`). Can be
* `true` when the `improvePerformance` setting is enabled.
* @type {boolean}
this.isHidden = false;
* _For internal use._ Add a {@link Section#replyButton "Reply in section" button} to the end of
* the first chunk of the section.
maybeAddReplyButton() {
if (!this.canBeReplied()) return;
const lastElement = this.lastElementInFirstChunk;
// Sections may have "#" in the code as a placeholder for a vote. In this case, we must create
// the comment form in the <ol> tag.
const isVotePlaceholder = (
lastElement.tagName === 'OL' &&
lastElement.childElementCount === 1 &&
let tag;
let createList = false;
const tagName = lastElement.tagName;
const lastComment = this.commentsInFirstChunk[this.commentsInFirstChunk.length - 1];
if (lastElement.classList.contains('cd-commentLevel') || isVotePlaceholder) {
if (
tagName === 'UL' ||
tagName === 'OL' &&
// Check if this is indeed a numbered list with replies as list items, not a numbered list
// as part of the user's comment that has their signature technically inside the last
// item.
isVotePlaceholder ||
lastElement !== lastComment?.elements[lastComment.elements.length - 1]
) {
tag = 'li';
} else if (tagName === 'DL') {
tag = 'dd';
} else {
tag = 'li';
createList = true;
} else {
tag = 'dd';
if (!isVotePlaceholder) {
createList = true;
// Don't set more DOM properties to help performance. We don't need them in practice.
const element = this.constructor.prototypes.get('replyButton');
const button = new Button({
element: element,
buttonElement: element.firstChild,
action: () => {
const wrapper = document.createElement(tag);
wrapper.className = 'cd-replyButtonWrapper';
// The container contains the wrapper that wraps the element ^_^
let container;
if (createList) {
container = document.createElement('dl');
container.className = 'cd-commentLevel cd-commentLevel-1 cd-section-button-container';
lastElement.parentNode.insertBefore(container, lastElement.nextElementSibling);
} else {
container = lastElement;
* Reply button at the bottom of the first chunk of the section.
* @type {Button|undefined}
this.replyButton = button;
* Reply button wrapper and part-time reply comment form wrapper, an item element.
* @type {external:jQuery|undefined}
this.$replyButtonWrapper = $(wrapper);
* Reply button container and part-time reply comment form container, a list element. It is
* wrapped around the {@link Section#$replyButtonWrapper reply button wrapper}, but it is
* created by the script only when there is no suitable element that already exists. If there
* is, it can contain other elements (and comments) too.
* @type {external:jQuery|undefined}
this.$replyButtonContainer = $(container);
* _For internal use._ Add an {@link Section#addSubsectionButton "Add subsection" button} that
* appears when hovering over a {@link Section#replyButton "Reply in section" button}.
maybeAddAddSubsectionButton() {
if (this.level !== 2 || !this.canBeSubsectioned()) return;
const element = this.constructor.prototypes.get('addSubsectionButton');
const button = new Button({
buttonElement: element.firstChild,
labelElement: element.querySelector('.oo-ui-labelElement-label'),
label: cd.s('section-addsubsection-to', this.headline),
action: () => {
button.buttonElement.onmouseenter = this.resetHideAddSubsectionButtonTimeout.bind(this);
button.buttonElement.onmouseleave = this.deferAddSubsectionButtonHide.bind(this);
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'cd-section-button-container cd-addSubsectionButton-container'; = 'none';
this.lastElement.parentNode.insertBefore(container, this.lastElement.nextElementSibling);
* "Add subsection" button at the end of the section.
* @type {Button|undefined}
this.addSubsectionButton = button;
* "Add subsection" button container.
* @type {external:jQuery|undefined}
this.$addSubsectionButtonContainer = $(container);
* Reset the timeout for showing the "Add subsection" button.
* @private
resetShowAddSubsectionButtonTimeout() {
this.showAddSubsectionButtonTimeout = null;
* Reset the timeout for hiding the "Add subsection" button.
* @private
resetHideAddSubsectionButtonTimeout() {
this.hideAddSubsectionButtonTimeout = null;
* Hide the "Add subsection" button after a second.
* @private
deferAddSubsectionButtonHide() {
if (this.hideAddSubsectionButtonTimeout) return;
this.hideAddSubsectionButtonTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
* Handle a `mouseenter` event on the reply button.
* @private
handleReplyButtonHover() {
if (this.addSubsectionForm) return;
if (this.showAddSubsectionButtonTimeout) return;
this.showAddSubsectionButtonTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
* Handle a `mouseleave` event on the reply button.
* @private
handleReplyButtonUnhover() {
if (this.addSubsectionForm) return;
* _For internal use._ Make it so that when the user hovers over a reply button at the end of the
* section for a second, an "Add subsection" button shows up under it.
* @param {Section} baseSection
showAddSubsectionButtonOnReplyButtonHover(baseSection) {
if (!this.replyButton) return;
this.replyButton.buttonElement.onmouseenter = baseSection.handleReplyButtonHover.bind(baseSection);
this.replyButton.buttonElement.onmouseleave = baseSection.handleReplyButtonUnhover.bind(baseSection);
* _For internal use._ Add a "Subscribe" / "Unsubscribe" button to the actions element.
* @fires subscribeButtonAdded
addSubscribeButton() {
if (!this.subscribeId) return;
* Subscription state of the section. Currently, `true` stands for "subscribed", `false` for
* "unsubscribed", `null` for n/a.
* @type {?boolean}
this.subscriptionState = this.subscriptions.getState(this.subscribeId);
if (controller.isSubscribingDisabled() && !this.subscriptionState) return;
* Subscribe button widget in the {@link Section#actionsElement actions element}.
* @type {external:OO.ui.ButtonMenuSelectWidget}
this.actions.subscribeButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
framed: false,
flags: ['progressive'],
icon: 'bellOutline',
label: cd.s('sm-subscribe'),
title: cd.mws('discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe-tooltip'),
classes: ['cd-section-bar-button', 'cd-section-bar-button-subscribe'],
if ( === 'monobook') {
* A subscribe button has been added to the section actions element.
* @event subscribeButtonAdded
* @param {Section} section
* @param {object} cd {@link convenientDiscussions} object.
* Check whether the user should get the affordance to edit the first comment from the section
* menu.
* @returns {boolean}
canFirstCommentBeEdited() {
return Boolean(
this.isActionable &&
this.commentsInFirstChunk.length &&
this.comments[0].isOpeningSection &&
(this.comments[0].canBeEdited()) &&
* Check whether the user should get the affordance to move the section to another page.
* @returns {boolean}
canBeMoved() {
return (
this.level === 2 &&
!this.isTranscludedFromTemplate &&
( ||
* Check whether the user should get the affordance to add a reply to the section.
* @returns {boolean}
canBeReplied() {
return Boolean(
this.isActionable &&
// Is the first chunk closed
this.commentsInFirstChunk[0] &&
this.commentsInFirstChunk[0].level === 0 &&
this.commentsInFirstChunk.every((comment) => !comment.isActionable)
) &&
// Is the first chunk empty and precedes a subsection
this.lastElementInFirstChunk !== this.lastElement &&
this.lastElementInFirstChunk === this.headingElement
) &&
// May mean complex formatting, so we better keep out
!sectionRegistry.getByIndex(this.index + 1) ||
sectionRegistry.getByIndex(this.index + 1).headingNestingLevel === this.headingNestingLevel
) &&
// Is the section buried in a table.
!['TR', 'TD', 'TH'].includes(this.lastElementInFirstChunk.tagName)
* Check whether the user should get the affordance to add a subsection to the section.
* @returns {boolean}
canBeSubsectioned() {
const nextSameLevelSection = sectionRegistry.getAll()
.slice(this.index + 1)
.find((otherSection) => otherSection.level === this.level);
return Boolean(
this.isActionable &&
this.level >= 2 &&
this.level <= 5 &&
// Not closed
this.comments[0] &&
this.comments[0].level === 0 &&
this.comments.every((comment) => !comment.isActionable)
) &&
// While the "Reply" button is added to the end of the first chunk, the "Add subsection"
// button is added to the end of the whole section, so we look the next section of the same
// level.
!nextSameLevelSection ||
// If the next section of the same level has another nesting level (e.g., is inside a <div>
// with a specific style), don't add the "Add subsection" button - it would appear in a
// wrong place.
nextSameLevelSection.headingNestingLevel === this.headingNestingLevel
* Show or hide a popup with the list of users who have posted in the section.
* @param {Event} e
* @private
toggleAuthors(e) {
if (!this.authorsPopup) {
* Popup with the list of users who have posted in the section.
* @type {external:OO.ui.PopupWidget|undefined}
this.authorsPopup = new OO.ui.PopupWidget({
$content: $(
.map((comment) =>
.sort((author1, author2) => author2.getName() > author1.getName() ? -1 : 1)
.map((author) => [author, this.comments.filter((comment) => === author)])
.flatMap(([author, comments], i, arr) => ([
.attr('href', `#${comments[0].dtId || comments[0].id}`)
.on('click', Comment.scrollToFirstHighlightAll.bind(Comment, comments))[0],
i === arr.length - 1 ? undefined : document.createTextNode(cd.mws('comma-separator')),
head: false,
padded: true,
autoClose: true,
$autoCloseIgnore: $(this.authorCountWrapper),
position: 'above',
$floatableContainer: $(this.authorCountWrapper),
classes: ['cd-section-metadata-authorsPopup'],
* Scroll to the latest comment in the section.
* @param {Event} e
* @private
scrollToLatestComment(e) {
this.latestComment.scrollTo({ pushState: true });
* Create a metadata container (for 2-level sections).
* @private
createMetadataElement() {
const authorCount = =>;
const latestComment = Comment.getLatest(this.comments);
let latestCommentWrapper;
let commentCountWrapper;
let authorCountWrapper;
let metadataElement;
if (this.level === 2 && this.comments.length) {
if (latestComment) {
const latestCommentLink = document.createElement('a');
latestCommentLink.href = `#${latestComment.dtId ||}`;
latestCommentLink.onclick = this.scrollToLatestComment.bind(this);
latestCommentLink.textContent = formatDate(;
(new LiveTimestamp(latestCommentLink,, false)).init();
latestCommentWrapper = document.createElement('span');
latestCommentWrapper.className = 'cd-section-bar-item';
latestCommentWrapper.append(cd.s('section-metadata-lastcomment'), ' ', latestCommentLink);
commentCountWrapper = document.createElement('span');
commentCountWrapper.className = 'cd-section-bar-item';
commentCountWrapper.innerHTML = cd.sParse(
if (this.comments.length === 1) {
const span = commentCountWrapper.querySelector('.cd-section-metadata-authorcount-link');
if (span) {
authorCountWrapper = document.createElement('a');
authorCountWrapper.textContent = span.textContent;
authorCountWrapper.onclick = this.toggleAuthors.bind(this);
metadataElement = document.createElement('div');
metadataElement.className = 'cd-section-metadata';
metadataElement.append(...[commentCountWrapper, latestCommentWrapper].filter(defined));
* Latest comment in a 2-level section.
* @type {?(import('./Comment').default|undefined)}
this.latestComment = latestComment;
* Metadata element in the {@link Section#barElement bar element}.
* @type {Element|undefined}
* @private
this.metadataElement = metadataElement;
* Comment count wrapper element in the {@link Section#metadataElement metadata element}.
* @type {Element|undefined}
* @private
this.commentCountWrapper = commentCountWrapper;
* Author count wrapper element in the {@link Section#metadataElement metadata element}.
* @type {Element|undefined}
* @private
this.authorCountWrapper = authorCountWrapper;
* Latest comment date wrapper element in the {@link Section#metadataElement metadata element}.
* @type {Element|undefined}
* @private
this.latestCommentWrapper = latestCommentWrapper;
* Metadata element in the {@link Section#$bar bar element}.
* @type {external:jQuery|undefined}
this.$metadata = $(metadataElement);
* Comment count wrapper element in the {@link Section#$metadata metadata element}.
* @type {external:jQuery|undefined}
* @private
this.$commentCountWrapper = $(commentCountWrapper);
* Author count wrapper element in the {@link Section#$metadata metadata element}.
* @type {external:jQuery|undefined}
this.$authorCountWrapper = $(authorCountWrapper);
* Latest comment date wrapper element in the {@link Section#$metadata metadata element}.
* @type {external:jQuery|undefined}
this.$latestCommentWrapper = $(latestCommentWrapper);
* Create a real "More options" menu select in place of a dummy one.
* @fires moreMenuSelectCreated
* @private
createMoreMenuSelect() {
const moreMenuSelect = this.constructor.prototypes.getWidget('moreMenuSelect')();
const editOpeningCommentOption = this.canFirstCommentBeEdited() ?
new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
data: 'editOpeningComment',
label: cd.s('sm-editopeningcomment'),
title: cd.s('sm-editopeningcomment-tooltip'),
icon: 'edit',
}) :
const moveOption = this.canBeMoved() ?
new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
data: 'move',
label: cd.s('sm-move'),
title: cd.s('sm-move-tooltip'),
icon: 'arrowNext',
}) :
const addSubsectionOption = this.canBeSubsectioned() ?
new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget({
data: 'addSubsection',
label: cd.s('sm-addsubsection'),
title: cd.s('sm-addsubsection-tooltip'),
icon: 'speechBubbleAdd',
}) :
const items = [editOpeningCommentOption, moveOption, addSubsectionOption].filter(defined);
.on('choose', (option) => {
switch (option.getData()) {
case 'editOpeningComment':
case 'move':
case 'addSubsection':
* The button menu select widget in the {@link Section#actionsElement actions element}. Note
* that it is created only when the user hovers over or clicks a dummy button, which fires a
* {@link Section#moreMenuSelectCreated moreMenuSelectCreated hook}.
* @type {external:OO.ui.ButtonMenuSelectWidget|undefined}
this.actions.moreMenuSelect = moreMenuSelect;
* A "More options" menu select button has been created and added to the section actions
* element in place of a dummy button.
* @event moreMenuSelectCreated
* @param {Section} section
* @param {object} cd {@link convenientDiscussions} object.
* Create a real "More options" menu select in place of a dummy one and click it.
* @private
createAndClickMoreMenuSelect() {
* Create action buttons and a container for them.
* @private
createActionsElement() {
let moreMenuSelectDummy;
if (this.canFirstCommentBeEdited() || this.canBeMoved() || this.canBeSubsectioned()) {
const element = this.constructor.prototypes.get('moreMenuSelect');
moreMenuSelectDummy = new Button({
action: () => {
moreMenuSelectDummy.buttonElement.onmouseenter = this.createMoreMenuSelect.bind(this);
let copyLinkButton;
if (this.headline) {
const element = this.constructor.prototypes.get('copyLinkButton');
copyLinkButton = new Button({
buttonElement: element.firstChild,
iconElement: element.querySelector('.oo-ui-iconElement-icon'),
href: `${}#${}`,
action: (e) => {
flags: ['progressive'],
const actionsElement = document.createElement(this.level === 2 ? 'div' : 'span');
actionsElement.className = [
this.level === 2 ? 'cd-topic-actions' : 'cd-subsection-actions',
].filter(defined).join(' ');
...[copyLinkButton, moreMenuSelectDummy]
.map((button) => button.element)
* Actions element under the 2-level section heading _or_ to the right of headings of other
* levels.
* @type {Element}
* @private
this.actionsElement = actionsElement;
* Actions element under the 2-level section heading _or_ to the right of headings of other
* levels.
* @type {external:jQuery}
this.$actions = $(actionsElement);
* Section actions object. It contains widgets (buttons, menus) triggering the actions of the
* section.
* @type {object}
this.actions = {
* Copy link button widget in the {@link Section#actionsElement actions element}.
* @type {external:OO.ui.ButtonWidget|undefined}
* Create a bar element (for 2-level sections).
* @private
addBarElement() {
const barElement = document.createElement('div');
barElement.className = 'cd-section-bar';
if (!this.metadataElement) {
barElement.append(...[this.metadataElement, this.actionsElement].filter(defined));
if (cd.g.isDtVisualEnhancementsEnabled) {
if (this.lastElement === this.headingElement) {
this.lastElement = barElement;
if (this.lastElementInFirstChunk === this.headingElement) {
this.lastElementInFirstChunk = barElement;
* Bar element under a 2-level section heading.
* @type {Element|undefined}
* @private
this.barElement = barElement;
* Bar element under a 2-level section heading.
* @type {external:jQuery|undefined}
this.$bar = $(barElement);
* Add the {@link Section#actionsElement actions element} to the
* {@link Secton#headingElement heading element} of a non-2-level section.
* @private
addActionsElement() {
const headingInnerWrapper = document.createElement('span');
this.headingElement.append(headingInnerWrapper, this.actionsElement);
* Add the metadata and actions elements below or to the right of the section heading.
addMetadataAndActions() {
if (this.level === 2) {
} else {
* Highlight the unseen comments in the section and scroll to the first one of them.
* @param {Event} e
* @private
scrollToNewComments(e) {
* Add the new comment count to the metadata element. ("New" actually means "unseen at the moment
* of load".)
addNewCommentCountMetadata() {
if (
this.level !== 2 ||
!this.newComments.length ||
this.newComments.length === this.comments.length
) {
const newText = cd.s('section-metadata-newcommentcount', this.newComments.length);
let newLink = document.createElement('a');
newLink.textContent = newText;
newLink.href = `#${this.newComments[0].dtId}`;
newLink.onclick = this.scrollToNewComments.bind(this);
const newCommentCountWrapper = document.createElement('span');
newCommentCountWrapper.className = 'cd-section-bar-item';
newCommentCountWrapper.append(newLink || newText);
this.commentCountWrapper.nextSibling || null
this.newCommentCountWrapper = newCommentCountWrapper;
this.$newCommentCountWrapper = $(newCommentCountWrapper);
* _For internal use._ Update the new comments data for the section and render the updates.
updateNewCommentsData() {
* List of new comments in the section. ("New" actually means "unseen at the moment of load".)
* @type {import('./Comment').default[]}
this.newComments = this.comments.filter((comment) => comment.isSeen === false);
* Extract the section's {@link Section#subscribeId subscribe ID}.
extractSubscribeId() {
if (!this.useTopicSubscription) {
* The section subscribe ID, either in the DiscussionTools format or just a headline if legacy
* subscriptions are used.
* @type {string|undefined}
this.subscribeId = this.headline;
if (this.level !== 2) return;
let subscribeId = controller.getDtSubscribableThreads()
?.find((thread) => ( === this.hElement.dataset.mwThreadId || === this.headlineElement.dataset.mwThreadId
if (!subscribeId) {
// Older versions of MediaWiki
if (cd.g.isDtTopicSubscriptionEnabled) {
if (this.headingElement.querySelector('.ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe-link')) {
const headlineJson = this.headlineElement.dataset.mwComment;
try {
subscribeId = JSON.parse(headlineJson).name;
} catch {
// Empty
} else {
for (let n = this.headingElement.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
if (n.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE && n.textContent.includes('__DTSUBSCRIBELINK__')) {
[, subscribeId] = n.textContent.match('__DTSUBSCRIBELINK__(.+)') || [];
// Filter out sections with no comments, therefore no meaningful ID
this.subscribeId = subscribeId === 'h-' ? undefined : subscribeId;
* Create an {@link Section#replyForm add reply form}.
* @param {object} [initialState]
* @param {import('./CommentForm').default} [commentForm]
reply(initialState, commentForm) {
// Check for existence in case replying is called from a script of some kind (there is no button
// to call it from CD).
if (!this.replyForm) {
* Reply form related to the section.
* @type {import('./CommentForm').default|undefined}
this.replyForm = commentFormRegistry.setupCommentForm(this, {
mode: 'replyInSection',
}, initialState, commentForm);
const baseSection = this.getBase();
if (baseSection.$addSubsectionButtonContainer) {
baseSection.showAddSubsectionButtonTimeout = null;
* Create an {@link Section#addSubsectionForm add subsection form} form or focus an existing one.
* @param {object} [initialState]
* @param {import('./CommentForm').default} [commentForm]
* @throws {CdError}
addSubsection(initialState, commentForm) {
if (!this.canBeSubsectioned()) {
throw new CdError();
if (this.addSubsectionForm) {
} else {
* "Add subsection" form related to the section.
* @type {import('./CommentForm').default|undefined}
this.addSubsectionForm = commentFormRegistry.setupCommentForm(this, {
mode: 'addSubsection',
}, initialState, commentForm);
* Add a comment form {@link CommentForm#getTarget targeted} at this section to the page.
* @param {string} mode
* @param {import('./CommentForm').default} commentForm
addCommentFormToPage(mode, commentForm) {
if (mode === 'replyInSection') {
} else if (mode === 'addSubsection') {
In the following structure:
== Level 2 section ==
=== Level 3 section ===
==== Level 4 section ====
..."Add subsection" forms should go in the opposite order. So, if there are "Add
subsection" forms for a level 4 and then a level 2 section and the user clicks "Add
subsection" for a level 3 section, we need to put our form between them.
$(this.findRealLastElement((el) => (
[...el.classList].some((className) => (
className.match(new RegExp(`^cd-commentForm-addSubsection-[${this.level}-6]$`))
* Clean up traces of a comment form {@link CommentForm#getTarget targeted} at this section from
* the page.
* @param {string} mode
cleanUpCommentFormTraces(mode) {
if (mode === 'replyInSection') {;
* Show a move section dialog.
move() {
if (controller.isPageOverlayOn()) return;
const MoveSectionDialog = require('./MoveSectionDialog').default;
const dialog = new MoveSectionDialog(this);
cd.tests.moveSectionDialog = dialog;
* Update the subscribe/unsubscribe section button state.
* @private
updateSubscribeButtonState() {
if (this.subscriptionState) {
.on('click', () => {
} else {
.on('click', () => {
* Add the section to the subscription list.
* @param {'quiet'|'silent'} [mode]
* - No value: a notification will be shown.
* - `'quiet'`: don't show a notification.
* - `'silent'`: don't even change any UI, including the subscribe button appearance. If there is
* an error, it will be displayed though.
* @param {string} [renamedFrom] If DiscussionTools' topic subscriptions API is not used and the
* section was renamed, the previous section headline. It is unwatched together with watching
* the current headline if there are no other coinciding headlines on the page.
subscribe(mode, renamedFrom) {
// That's a mechanism mainly for legacy subscriptions but can be used for DT subscriptions as
// well, for which `sections` will have more than one section when there is more than one
// section created by a certain user at a certain moment in time.
const sections = sectionRegistry.getBySubscribeId(this.subscribeId);
let finallyCallback;
if (mode !== 'silent') {
const buttons = => section.actions.subscribeButton).filter(defined);
buttons.forEach((button) => {
finallyCallback = () => {
buttons.forEach((button) => {
// Unsubscribe from
renamedFrom && !sectionRegistry.getBySubscribeId(renamedFrom).length ?
renamedFrom :
.then(() => {
// TODO: this condition seems a bad idea because when we could update the subscriptions but
// couldn't reload the page, the UI becomes unsynchronized. But there is also no UI
// flickering when posting. Maybe update the UI in case the page reload was unsuccessful?
if (mode !== 'silent') {
sections.forEach((section) => {
.then(finallyCallback, finallyCallback);
* Remove the section from the subscription list.
* @param {'quiet'|'silent'} [mode]
* - No value: a notification will be shown.
* - `'quiet'`: don't show a notification.
* - `'silent'`: don't even change any UI, including the subscribe button appearance. If there is
* an error, it will be displayed though.
unsubscribe(mode) {
const sections = sectionRegistry.getBySubscribeId(this.subscribeId);
let finallyCallback;
if (mode !== 'silent') {
const buttons = => section.actions.subscribeButton).filter(defined);
buttons.forEach((button) => {
finallyCallback = () => {
buttons.forEach((button) => {
this.subscriptions.unsubscribe(this.subscribeId,, !!mode)
.then(() => {
if (mode !== 'silent') {
sections.forEach((section) => {
.then(finallyCallback, finallyCallback);
* Change the subscription state after actually subscribing/unsubscribing and change the related
* DOM.
* @param {boolean} state
* @private
changeSubscriptionState(state) {
this.subscriptionState = state;
* Resubscribe to a renamed section if legacy topic subscriptions are used.
* @param {object} currentCommentData
* @param {object} oldCommentData
resubscribeIfRenamed(currentCommentData, oldCommentData) {
if (
this.useTopicSubscription ||
this.subscriptionState ||
tagName: currentCommentData.elementNames[0],
className: currentCommentData.elementClassNames[0],
}) ||
oldCommentData.elementNames[0] !== currentCommentData.elementNames[0]
) {
const oldHeadingHtml = oldCommentData.elementHtmls[0].replace(
(s, num) => currentCommentData.hiddenElementsData[num - 1].html
const oldSectionDummy = { headlineElement: $('<span>').html($(oldHeadingHtml).html())[0] };;
if (
this.headline &&
oldSectionDummy.headline !== this.headline &&
) {
this.subscribe('quiet', oldSectionDummy.headline);
* _For internal use._ When the section's headline is live-updated in {@link Comment#update}, also
* update some aspects of the section.
* @param {external:jQuery} $html
update($html) {
const originalHeadline = this.headline;
if (this.headline !== originalHeadline) {
if (this.headline && this.subscriptionState && !this.useTopicSubscription) {
this.subscribe('quiet', originalHeadline);
* Copy a link to the section or open a copy link dialog.
* @param {Event} e
copyLink(e) {
controller.showCopyLinkDialog(this, e);
* Request the wikitext of the section by its number using the API and set some properties of the
* section (and also the page). {@link Section#loadCode} is a more general method.
* @throws {CdError}
async requestCode() {
const { query, curtimestamp: queryTimestamp } = await controller.getApi().post({
action: 'query',
titles: this.getSourcePage().name,
prop: 'revisions',
rvsection: this.liveSectionNumber,
rvslots: 'main',
rvprop: ['ids', 'content'],
redirects: !mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect'),
curtimestamp: true,
const page = query?.pages?.[0];
const revision = page?.revisions?.[0];
const main = revision?.slots?.main;
const content = main?.content;
if (!query || !page) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'api',
code: 'noData',
if (page.missing) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'api',
code: 'missing',
if (page.invalid) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'api',
code: 'invalid',
if (main.nosuchsection) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'api',
code: 'noSuchSection',
if (!revision || content === undefined) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'api',
code: 'noData',
const redirectTarget = query.redirects?.[0]?.to || null;
* Section code. Filled upon running {@link Section#loadCode}.
* @name code
* @type {string|undefined}
* @memberof Section
* @instance
* ID of the revision that has {@link Section#code}. Filled upon running
* {@link Section#loadCode}.
* @name revisionId
* @type {number|undefined}
* @memberof Section
* @instance
* Time when {@link Section#code} was queried (as the server reports it). Filled upon running
* {@link Section#loadCode}.
* @name queryTimestamp
* @type {string|undefined}
* @memberof Section
* @instance
Object.assign(this, {
// It's more convenient to unify regexps to have `\n` as the last character of anything, not
// `(?:\n|$)`, and it doesn't seem to affect anything substantially.
presumedCode: content + '\n',
revisionId: revision.revid,
Object.assign(, {
realName: redirectTarget ||,
* Load the section wikitext. See also {@link Section#requestCode}.
* @param {import('./CommentForm').default} [commentForm] Comment form, if it is submitted or code
* changes are viewed.
* @throws {CdError|Error}
async loadCode(commentForm) {
try {
if (commentForm && this.liveSectionNumber !== null) {
try {
await this.requestCode();
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof CdError && ['noSuchSection', 'locateSection'].includes( {
throw e;
if (!commentForm?.isSectionSubmitted()) {
await this.getSourcePage().loadCode();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof CdError) {
throw new CdError(Object.assign({}, {
message: cd.sParse('cf-error-getpagecode'),
} else {
throw e;
* Search for the section in the source code and return possible matches.
* @param {string} contextCode
* @param {boolean} isInSectionContext
* @returns {SectionSource}
* @private
searchInCode(contextCode, isInSectionContext) {
const thisHeadline = normalizeCode(this.headline);
const adjustedContextCode = maskDistractingCode(contextCode);
const sectionHeadingRegexp = /^((=+)(.*)\2[ \t\x01\x02]*)\n/gm;
const sources = [];
const headlines = [];
let sectionIndex = -1;
let sectionHeadingMatch;
while ((sectionHeadingMatch = sectionHeadingRegexp.exec(adjustedContextCode))) {
const source = new SectionSource({
section: this,
source.calculateMatchScore(sectionIndex, thisHeadline, headlines);
if (!source.code || !source.firstChunkCode || source.score <= 1) continue;
// Maximal possible score
if (source.score === 3.75) break;
return sources.sort((m1, m2) => m2.score - m1.score)[0];
* Locate the section in the source code and set the result to the {@link Section#source}
* property.
* It is expected that the section or page code is loaded (using {@link Page#loadCode}) before
* this method is called. Otherwise, the method will throw an error.
* @param {boolean} useSectionCode Is the section code available to locate the section in instead
* of the page code.
* @throws {CdError}
locateInCode(useSectionCode) {
this.source = null;
const code = useSectionCode ? this.presumedCode : this.getSourcePage().code;
if (code === undefined) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'parse',
code: 'noCode',
const source = this.searchInCode(code, useSectionCode);
if (!source) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'parse',
code: 'locateSection',
* Section's source code object.
* @type {?(SectionSource|undefined)}
this.source = source;
* Get the wiki page that has the source code of the section (may be different from the current
* page if the section is transcluded from another page).
* @returns {import('./pageRegistry').Page}
getSourcePage() {
return this.sourcePage;
* Get the base section, i.e. a section of level 2 that is an ancestor of the section, or the
* section itself if it is of level 2 (even if there is a level 1 section) or if there is no
* higher level section (the current section may be of level 3 or 1, for example).
* @param {boolean} [force2Level=false] Guarantee a 2-level section is returned.
* @returns {?Section}
getBase(force2Level = false) {
const defaultValue = force2Level && this.level !== 2 ? null : this;
return this.level <= 2 ?
defaultValue :
.slice(0, this.index)
.find((section) => section.level === 2) ||
* Get the collection of the section's subsections.
* @param {boolean} [indirect=false] Whether to include subsections of subsections and so on
* (return descendants, in a word).
* @returns {Section[]}
getChildren(indirect = false) {
const children = [];
let haveMetDirect = false;
.slice(this.index + 1)
.some((section) => {
if (section.level > this.level) {
// If, say, a level 4 section directly follows a level 2 section, it should be considered
// a child. This is why we need the haveMetDirect variable.
if (section.level === this.level + 1) {
haveMetDirect = true;
if (indirect || section.level === this.level + 1 || !haveMetDirect) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return children;
* Get the first upper level section relative to the current section that is subscribed to.
* @param {boolean} [includeCurrent=false] Check the current section too.
* @returns {?Section}
getClosestSectionSubscribedTo(includeCurrent = false) {
for (
let otherSection = includeCurrent ? this : this.getParent();
otherSection = otherSection.getParent()
) {
if (otherSection.subscriptionState) {
return otherSection;
return null;
* Get the TOC item for the section if present.
* @returns {?import('./toc').TocItem}
getTocItem() {
return toc.getItem(;
* Add/remove the section's TOC link according to its subscription state and update the `title`
* attribute.
updateTocLink() {
* Get a link to the section with Unicode sequences decoded.
* @param {boolean} permanent Get a permanent URL.
* @returns {string}
getUrl(permanent) {
return, permanent);
* Get a section relevant to this section, which means the section itself. (Used for polymorphism
* with {@link Comment#getRelevantSection} and {@link Page#getRelevantSection}.)
* @returns {Section}
getRelevantSection() {
return this;
* Get a comment relevant to this section, which means the first comment _if_ it is opening the
* section. (Used for polymorphism with {@link Comment#getRelevantComment} and
* {@link Page#getRelevantComment}.)
* @returns {?Section}
getRelevantComment() {
return this.comments[0]?.isOpeningSection ? this.comments[0] : null;
* Get the data identifying the section when restoring a comment form. (Used for polymorphism with
* {@link Comment#getRelevantComment} and {@link Page#getIdentifyingData}.)
* @returns {object}
getIdentifyingData() {
return {
headline: this.headline,
oldestCommentId: this.oldestComment?.id,
index: this.index,
ancestors: this.getAncestors().map((section) => section.headline),
* Get the fragment for use in a section wikilink.
* @returns {string}
getWikilinkFragment() {
return encodeWikilink(underlinesToSpaces(;
* Generate a DT subscribe ID from the oldest timestamp in the section and the current user's name
* if there is no.
* @param {string} editTimestamp Timestamp of the edit just made.
ensureSubscribeIdPresent(editTimestamp) {
if (!this.useTopicSubscription || this.subscribeId) return;
this.subscribeId = sectionRegistry.generateDtSubscriptionId(
this.oldestComment || editTimestamp
* Get the section used to subscribe to new comments in this section if available.
* @returns {?Section}
getSectionSubscribedTo() {
return this.useTopicSubscription ? this.getBase(true) : this;
* Find the last element of the section including
* @param {Function} [additionalCondition]
* @returns {Element}
findRealLastElement(additionalCondition) {
let realLastElement;
let lastElement = this.lastElement;
do {
realLastElement = lastElement;
lastElement = lastElement.nextElementSibling;
} while (
lastElement &&
lastElement.matches('.cd-section-button-container') ||
(!additionalCondition || additionalCondition(lastElement))
return realLastElement;
* _For internal use._ Set the `visibility` CSS value to the section.
* @param {boolean} show Show or hide.
updateVisibility(show) {
if (Boolean(show) !== this.isHidden) return;
this.elements ||= getRangeContents(
this.isHidden = !show;
this.elements.forEach((el) => {
el.classList.toggle('cd-section-hidden', !show);
* If this section is replied to, get the comment that will end up directly above the reply.
* @param {import('./CommentForm').default} commentForm
* @returns {Comment}
getCommentAboveReply(commentForm) {
return sectionRegistry.getAll()
// Section above the reply
(commentForm.getMode() === 'addSubsection' && this.getChildren(true).slice(-1)[0]) || this
).index + 1
.reduce((comment, section) => (
comment ||
section.commentsInFirstChunk[section.commentsInFirstChunk.length - 1]
* After the page is reloaded and this instance doesn't relate to a rendered section on the page,
* get the instance of this section that does.
* @returns {?Section}
findNewSelf() {
headline: this.headline,
oldestCommentId: this.oldestComment?.id,
index: this.index,
// We cache ancestors when saving the session, so this call will return the right value,
// despite the fact that sectionRegistry.items has already changed.
ancestors: this.getAncestors().map((section) => section.headline),
})?.section || null;
* Get the name of the section's method creating a comment form with the specified mode.
* @param {string} mode
* @returns {string}
getCommentFormMethodName(mode) {
return mode === 'replyInSection' ? 'reply' : mode;
* _For internal use._ Create element and widget prototypes to reuse them instead of creating new
* elements from scratch (which is more expensive).
static initPrototypes() {
this.prototypes = new PrototypeRegistry();
new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
label: cd.s('section-reply'),
framed: false,
// Add the thread button class as it behaves as a thread button in fact, being positioned
// inside a "cd-commentLevel" list.
classes: ['cd-button-ooui', 'cd-section-button', 'cd-thread-button'],
new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
// Will be replaced
label: ' ',
framed: false,
classes: ['cd-button-ooui', 'cd-section-button'],
new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
framed: false,
flags: ['progressive'],
icon: 'link',
label: cd.s('sm-copylink'),
invisibleLabel: true,
title: cd.s('sm-copylink-tooltip'),
classes: ['cd-section-bar-button'],
this.prototypes.addWidget('moreMenuSelect', () => (
new OO.ui.ButtonMenuSelectWidget({
framed: false,
icon: 'ellipsis',
label: cd.s('sm-more'),
invisibleLabel: true,
title: cd.s('sm-more'),
menu: {
horizontalPosition: 'end',
classes: ['cd-section-bar-button', 'cd-section-bar-moremenu'],
export default Section;