// Here, we use vanilla JavaScript for recurring operations that together take up a lot of time.
import CommentSkeleton from './CommentSkeleton';
import ElementsAndTextTreeWalker from './ElementsAndTextTreeWalker';
import ElementsTreeWalker from './ElementsTreeWalker';
import cd from './cd';
import { getHeadingLevel, parseWikiUrl, isHeadingNode, isInline, isMetadataNode, ucFirst, underlinesToSpaces, definedAndNotNull, unique } from './utils-general';
import { parseTimestamp } from './utils-timestamp';
* @typedef {object} Context
* @property {Function} CommentClass
* @property {Function} SectionClass
* @property {string} childElementsProp
* @property {Function} follows
* @property {Function} getAllTextNodes
* @property {Function} getElementByClassName
* @property {Element|external:Element} rootElement
* @property {boolean} areThereOutdents
* @property {Function} processAndRemoveDtElements
* @property {Function} removeDtButtonHtmlComments
* Generalization of a web page (not wikitext) parser for the window and worker contexts. Parsing
* here means "extracting meaningful parts from the page" such as comments, sections, etc. Functions
* related to wikitext parsing go in {@link module:wikitext}.
class Parser {
* Create a page parser in the provided context.
* @param {Context} context Collection of classes, functions, and other properties that perform
* the tasks we need in the current context (window or worker).
constructor(context) {
this.context = context;
this.existingCommentIds = [];
* Set some properties and find some elements required for parsing.
* @private
init() {
this.rejectClasses = [
// Extension:Translate
// Likely won't have much effect, but won't hurt
// For templates like https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Сложное_обсуждение (perhaps they
// need to be `tmbox` too?).
// Example of a comment in a figure element:
// https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Википедия%3AФорум%2FНовости&diff=prev&oldid=131939933
const tagSelector = ['blockquote', 'q', 'cite', 'figure', 'th'].join(', ');
const classSelector = cd.g.noSignatureClasses.map((name) => `.${name}`).join(', ');
this.noSignatureElements = [
...this.context.rootElement.querySelectorAll(`${tagSelector}, ${classSelector}`),
* Create a comment instance.
* @param {Element|external:Element} signature
* @param {object[]} targets
* @returns {*}
createComment(signature, targets) {
return new this.context.CommentClass(this, signature, targets);
* Create a section instance.
* @param {object} heading
* @param {object[]} targets
* @param {import('./Subscriptions').default} subscriptions
* @returns {*}
createSection(heading, targets, subscriptions) {
return new this.context.SectionClass(this, heading, targets, subscriptions);
* _For internal use._ Remove some of the elements added by the DiscussionTools extension (even if
* it is disabled in user preferences) or move them away if the topic subscriptions feature of DT
* is enabled (to avoid errors being thrown in DT). Prior to that, extract data from them.
* CD already parses comment links from notifications (which seems to be this markup's purpose for
* disabled DT) in `BootProcess#processTargets()`. Unless the elements prove useful to CD or other
* scripts, it's better to get rid of them rather than deal with them one by one while parsing.
* @param {import('./BootProcess').default} [bootProcess]
processAndRemoveDtMarkup(bootProcess) {
const elements = [...this.context.rootElement.getElementsByTagName('span')]
.filter((el) => (
el.hasAttribute('data-mw-comment-start') ||
el.hasAttribute('data-mw-comment-end') ||
// This, in fact, targets the one span at the top of the page, out of sections which makes
// comments taller (example:
// https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Jack_who_built_the_house/CD_test_page&oldid=876639400).
// Check for classes and content because in older DT versions, `data-mw-thread-id` was on
// the .mw-headline element.
el.tagName === 'SPAN' &&
el.hasAttribute('data-mw-thread-id') &&
!el.classList.length &&
this.context.processAndRemoveDtElements(elements, bootProcess);
* Handle outdent character sequences added by
* {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Alexis_Jazz/Factotum Factotum}.
* @param {string} text
* @param {Node|external:Node} node
* @private
handleFactotumOutdents(text, node) {
if (
!/^┌─*┘$/.test(text) ||
node.parentNode.classList.contains(cd.config.outdentClass) ||
) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.className = cd.config.outdentClass;
span.textContent = text;
if (node.nextSibling?.tagName === 'BR') {
// Don't have Node#replaceChild() in the worker.
node.parentNode.insertBefore(span, node);
* @typedef {object} Timestamp
* @property {Element|external:Element} element
* @property {Date} date
* @property {object} [match]
* @memberof Parser
* @inner
* Find a timestamp in a text node.
* @param {Node} node
* @returns {?Timestamp}
* @private
findTimestamp(node) {
const text = node.textContent;
// While we're here, wrap outdents inserted by Factotum into a span.
this.handleFactotumOutdents(text, node);
const { date, match } = parseTimestamp(text) || {};
if (!date || this.noSignatureElements.some((el) => el.contains(node))) {
return null;
const element = document.createElement('span');
const remainedText = node.textContent.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
const afterNode = remainedText ? document.createTextNode(remainedText) : undefined;
node.textContent = match[1];
node.parentNode.insertBefore(element, node.nextSibling);
if (afterNode) {
node.parentNode.insertBefore(afterNode, element.nextSibling);
return { element, date };
* Collect nodes related to a signature starting from a timestamp node.
* @param {object} timestamp
* @returns {?object}
* @private
getSignatureFromTimestamp(timestamp) {
let unsignedElement;
let el = timestamp.element;
while (!unsignedElement && (el = el.parentNode) && isInline(el)) {
if (el.classList.contains(cd.config.unsignedClass)) {
unsignedElement = el;
// If the closest block-level timestamp element ancestor has more than one signature, we choose
// the first signature to consider it the signature of the comment author while keeping the
// last. There is no point for us to parse them as distinct comments as a reply posted using our
// script will go below all of them anyway.
let isExtraSignature = false;
const elementsTreeWalker = new ElementsTreeWalker(timestamp.element, this.context.rootElement);
while (
elementsTreeWalker.previousNode() &&
(isInline(elementsTreeWalker.currentNode) || isMetadataNode(elementsTreeWalker.currentNode))
) {
if (elementsTreeWalker.currentNode.classList.contains('cd-signature')) {
isExtraSignature = true;
const startElement = unsignedElement || timestamp.element;
const treeWalker = new ElementsAndTextTreeWalker(startElement, this.context.rootElement);
const authorData = {};
let length = 0;
let firstSignatureElement;
let signatureNodes = [];
if (unsignedElement) {
firstSignatureElement = startElement;
} else {
// Unsigned template may be of the "undated" kind - containing a timestamp but no author name,
// so we need to walk the tree anyway.
let node = treeWalker.currentNode;
do {
length += node.textContent.length;
if (node.tagName) {
authorData.isLastLinkAuthorLink = false;
if (node.tagName === 'A') {
if (!this.constructor.processLinkData(node, authorData)) break;
} else {
const links = [...node.getElementsByTagName('a')].reverse();
for (const link of links) {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Talkback and similar cases
if (link.classList.contains('external')) continue;
this.constructor.processLinkData(link, authorData);
if (authorData.isLastLinkAuthorLink) {
firstSignatureElement = node;
node = treeWalker.previousSibling();
if (!node && !firstSignatureElement) {
node = treeWalker.parentNode();
if (!node || !isInline(node)) break;
length = 0;
signatureNodes = [];
} while (
node &&
isInline(node, true) &&
length < cd.config.signatureScanLimit &&
authorData.name &&
// Users may cross out the text ended with their signature and sign again
// (https://ru.wikipedia.org/?diff=114726134). The strike element shouldn't be
// considered a part of the signature then.
(node.tagName && ['S', 'STRIKE', 'DEL'].includes(node.tagName)) ||
// Cases with a talk page link at the end of comment's text like
// https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Википедия:Заявки_на_статус_администратора/Obersachse_3#c-Obersachse-2012-03-11T08:03:00.000Z-Итог
// Note that this is currently unsupported by our wikitext parser. When edited, such a
// comment will be cut at the first user link. You would need to discern ". " inside and
// outside of links or even tags, and this is much work for little gain. This is the
// cost of us not relying on a DOM -> wikitext correspondence and processing these parts
// separately.
(!node.tagName && this.constructor.punctuationRegexp.test(node.textContent)) ||
node.tagName &&
// Invisible pings, like
// https://he.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=שיחה:שפת_אמת&oldid=38365117#c-אייל-20240205174400-אייל-20240205172600
/display: *none/.test(node.getAttribute('style')) ||
this.noSignatureElements.some((noSigEl) => noSigEl === node)
) ||
node.tagName &&
node.classList.contains('cd-timestamp') ||
node.classList.contains('cd-signature') ||
// Workaround for cases like https://en.wikipedia.org/?diff=1042059387 (those should be
// extremely rare).
(['S', 'STRIKE', 'DEL'].includes(node.tagName) && length >= 30)
if (!authorData.name) {
return null;
if (!signatureNodes.length) {
signatureNodes = [startElement];
const fseIndex = signatureNodes.indexOf(firstSignatureElement);
signatureNodes.splice(fseIndex === -1 ? 1 : fseIndex + 1);
const signatureContainer = signatureNodes[0].parentNode;
const startElementNextSibling = signatureNodes[0].nextSibling;
const element = document.createElement('span');
signatureContainer.insertBefore(element, startElementNextSibling);
return {
timestampElement: timestamp.element,
timestampText: timestamp.element.textContent,
date: timestamp.date,
authorLink: authorData.link,
authorTalkLink: authorData.talkLink,
authorName: authorData.name,
isUnsigned: Boolean(unsignedElement),
* Find outputs of unsigned templates.
* @returns {object[]}
findUnsigneds() {
if (!cd.config.unsignedClass) {
return [];
const unsigneds = [];
.filter((element) => {
// Only templates with no timestamp interest us.
if (this.context.getElementByClassName(element, 'cd-timestamp')) {
return false;
// Cases like https://ru.wikipedia.org/?diff=84883816
for (let el = element; el && el !== this.context.rootElement; el = el.parentNode) {
if (el.classList.contains('cd-signature')) {
return false;
return true;
.forEach((element) => {
[...element.getElementsByTagName('a')].some((link) => {
const { userName: authorName, linkType } = this.constructor.processLink(link) || {};
if (authorName) {
let authorLink;
let authorTalkLink;
if (linkType === 'user') {
authorLink = link;
} else if (linkType === 'userTalk') {
authorTalkLink = link;
const isUnsigned = true;
return true;
return unsigneds;
* _For internal use._ Find signatures under the root element.
* Characters before the author link, like "—", aren't considered a part of the signature.
* @returns {object[]}
findSignatures() {
const signatures = this.context.getAllTextNodes()
// Move extra signatures (additional signatures for a comment, if there is more than one) to an
// array which then assign to a relevant signature (the one which goes first).
let extraSignatures = [];
return signatures
.map((sig) => {
if (sig.isExtraSignature) {
} else {
sig.extraSignatures = extraSignatures;
extraSignatures = [];
return Object.assign({ type: 'signature' }, sig);
.filter((sig) => !sig.isExtraSignature);
* With code like this:
* ```html
* * Smth. [signature]
* :: Smth. [signature]
* ```
* one comment (preceded by :: in this case) creates its own list tree, not a subtree, even though
* it's a reply to a reply. So we dive as deep to the bottom of the hierarchy of nested lists as
* we can to get the top nodes with comment content (and therefore draw comment layers more
* accurately). One of the most complex tree structures is this:
* ```html
* * Smth. [signature]
* :* Smth.
* :: Smth. [signature]
* ```
* (seen here:
* {@link https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Википедия:Форум/Общий&oldid=103760740#201912010211_Mikhail_Ryazanov})
* It has a branchy structure that requires a tricky algorithm to be parsed correctly.
* @param {Element|external:Element} element
* @param {boolean} [onlyChildrenWithoutCommentLevel=false]
* @returns {object}
getTopElementsWithText(element, onlyChildrenWithoutCommentLevel = false) {
// We ignore all spaces as an easy way to ignore only whitespace text nodes between element
// nodes (this is a bad idea if we deal with inline nodes, but here we deal with lists).
const partTextNoSpaces = element.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, '');
let nodes;
let children = [element];
let levelsPassed = 0;
do {
nodes = children;
children = nodes.reduce(
(arr, element) => arr.concat([...element[this.context.childElementsProp]]),
if (['DL', 'UL', 'OL'].includes(nodes[0].tagName)) {
} while (
children.length &&
children.every((child) => (
['DL', 'UL', 'OL', 'DD', 'LI'].includes(child.tagName) &&
!onlyChildrenWithoutCommentLevel ||
['DD', 'LI'].includes(child.tagName) ||
) ||
// An inline (e.g., <small>) tag wrapped around block tags can give that (due to some errors
// in the markup).
(!child.textContent.trim() && isInline(child))
)) &&
children.map((child) => child.textContent).join('').replace(/\s+/g, '') === partTextNoSpaces
return { nodes, levelsPassed };
* _For internal use._ Get all headings on the page.
* @returns {object[]}
findHeadings() {
return [...this.context.rootElement.querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6')]
.map((element) => {
for (let el = element; el && el !== this.context.rootElement; el = el.parentNode) {
if (el.classList.contains('mw-heading')) {
return el;
return element;
.filter((el) => (
el.getAttribute('id') !== 'mw-toc-heading' &&
!this.noSignatureElements.some((noSigEl) => noSigEl.contains(el))
.map((element) => ({
type: 'heading',
isWrapper: !isHeadingNode(element, true),
level: getHeadingLevel(element),
* Turn a structure like this
* ```html
* <dd>
* <div>Comment. [signature]</div>
* <ul>...</ul>
* </dd>
* ```
* into a structure like this
* ```html
* <dd>
* <div>Comment. [signature]</div>
* </dd>
* <dd>
* <ul>...</ul>
* </dd>
* ```
* by splitting the parent node of the given node, moving all the following nodes into the second
* node resulting from the split. If there is no following nodes, don't perform the split.
* @param {Element|external:Element} node Reference node.
* @returns {Array.<Element|external:Element>} The parent nodes resultant from the split (at least
* one).
splitParentAfterNode(node) {
const parent = node.parentNode;
const clone = parent.cloneNode();
let lastChild;
while ((lastChild = parent.lastChild) && lastChild !== node) {
clone.insertBefore(lastChild, clone.firstChild);
if (clone[this.context.childElementsProp].length > 0) {
parent.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, parent.nextSibling);
return [parent, clone];
* @typedef {string[]} ProcessLinkReturn
* @property {string} userName User name.
* @property {?string} linkType Link type (`user`, `userTalk`, `contribs`, `userSubpage`,
* `userTalkSubpage`, or any of this `Foreign` at the end).
* @memberof Parser
* @inner
* _For internal use._ Get a user name from a link, along with some other data about a page name.
* @param {Element|external:Element} element
* @returns {?ProcessLinkReturn}
static processLink(element) {
const href = element.getAttribute('href');
let userName;
let linkType = null;
if (href) {
const { pageName, hostname, fragment } = parseWikiUrl(href) || {};
if (!pageName || CommentSkeleton.isAnyId(fragment)) {
return null;
const match = pageName.match(cd.g.userNamespacesRegexp);
if (match) {
userName = match[1];
if (cd.g.userLinkRegexp.test(pageName)) {
linkType = 'user';
} else if (cd.g.userTalkLinkRegexp.test(pageName)) {
linkType = 'userTalk';
} else if (cd.g.userSubpageLinkRegexp.test(pageName)) {
linkType = 'userSubpage';
} else if (cd.g.userTalkSubpageLinkRegexp.test(pageName)) {
linkType = 'userTalkSubpage';
// Another alternative is a user link to another site where the prefix is specified before
// the namespace. Enough to capture the user name from, not enough to make any inferences.
} else if (cd.g.contribsPageLinkRegexp.test(pageName)) {
userName = pageName.replace(cd.g.contribsPageLinkRegexp, '');
if (cd.g.isIPv6Address(userName)) {
userName = userName.toUpperCase();
linkType = 'contribs';
if (hostname !== cd.g.serverName) {
linkType += 'Foreign';
userName &&= ucFirst(underlinesToSpaces(userName.replace(/\/.*/, ''))).trim();
} else {
if (
element.classList.contains('mw-selflink') &&
cd.g.namespaceNumber === 3 &&
) {
// Comments of users that have only the user talk page link in their signature on their talk
// page.
userName = cd.g.pageTitle;
} else {
return null;
return { userName, linkType };
* Given a link node, enrich the author data and return a boolean denoting whether the node is a
* part of the signature.
* @param {Element|external:Element} link
* @param {object} authorData
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
static processLinkData(link, authorData) {
const { userName, linkType } = this.processLink(link) || {};
if (userName) {
authorData.name ||= userName;
if (authorData.name === userName) {
if (['user', 'userForeign'].includes(linkType)) {
// Break only when the second user link is a link to another wiki (but not the other way
// around, see an example: https://en.wikipedia.org/?diff=1012665097).
if (authorData.notForeignLink && linkType === 'userForeign') {
return false;
if (linkType !== 'userForeign') {
authorData.notForeignLink = link;
authorData.link = link;
} else if (['userTalk', 'userTalkForeign'].includes(linkType)) {
if (authorData.talkNotForeignLink) {
return false;
if (linkType !== 'userTalkForeign') {
authorData.talkNotForeignLink = link;
authorData.talkLink = link;
} else if (['contribs', 'contribsForeign'].includes(linkType)) {
// authorData.contribsNotForeignLink is used only to make sure there are no two contribs
// links to the current hostname in a signature.
if (authorData.contribsNotForeignLink && (authorData.link || authorData.talkLink)) {
return false;
if (linkType !== 'contribsForeign') {
authorData.contribsNotForeignLink = link;
} else if (['userSubpage', 'userSubpageForeign'].includes(linkType)) {
// A user subpage link after a user link is OK. A user subpage link before a user link is
// not OK (example: https://ru.wikipedia.org/?diff=112885854). Perhaps part of the
// comment.
if (authorData.link || authorData.talkLink) {
return false;
} else if (['userTalkSubpage', 'userTalkSubpageForeign'].includes(linkType)) {
// Same as with a user page above.
if (authorData.link || authorData.talkLink) {
return false;
} else {
// Cases like https://ru.wikipedia.org/?diff=115909247
if (authorData.link || authorData.talkLink) {
return false;
authorData.isLastLinkAuthorLink = true;
} else {
// Don't return false here in case the user mentioned a redirect to their user page here.
return true;
* Get a nesting level of an element relative to the root element.
* @param {Element} element
* @returns {number}
getNestingLevel(element) {
const treeWalker = new ElementsTreeWalker(element, this.context.rootElement);
let nestingLevel = 0;
while (treeWalker.parentNode()) {
return nestingLevel;
* Initialize the class.
static init() {
// Parenthesis for the case `smth). ~~~~`
// https://ru.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Википедия:Форум/Новости&oldid=138050961#c-Lesless-20240526055500-Deinocheirus-20240525165500
// Non-Latin punctuation is collected manually from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_stop and
// other sources.
this.punctuationRegexp = new RegExp(`(?:^|[${cd.g.letterPattern}])[)\\]]*(?:[.!?…।։။۔]+ |[。!?]+)`);
export default Parser;