import CdError from './CdError';
import TextMasker from './TextMasker';
import cd from './cd';
import { escapePipesOutsideLinks, generateTagsRegexp } from './utils-wikitext';
* Class that processes the comment form input and prepares the wikitext to insert into the page.
* @augments TextMasker
class CommentFormInputTransformer extends TextMasker {
* Create a comment form input processor.
* @param {string} text
* @param {import('./CommentForm').default} commentForm
* @param {string} action
constructor(text, commentForm, action) {
this.initialText = this.text;
this.commentForm = commentForm; = commentForm.getTarget();
this.action = action;
* Set the properties related to indentation.
* @private
initIndentationData() {
const targetSource =;
switch (this.commentForm.getMode()) {
case 'reply': {
this.indentation = targetSource.replyIndentation;
case 'edit': {
this.indentation = targetSource.indentation;
case 'replyInSection': {
const lastCommentIndentation = targetSource.extractLastCommentIndentation(this.commentForm);
this.indentation = (
lastCommentIndentation &&
(lastCommentIndentation[0] === '#' || cd.config.indentationCharMode === 'mimic')
) ?
lastCommentIndentation[0] :
default: {
this.indentation = '';
if (this.indentation) {
// In the preview mode, imitate a list so that the user will see where it would break on a
// real page. This pseudolist's margin is made invisible by CSS.
this.restLinesIndentation = this.action === 'preview' ?
':' :
this.indentation.replace(/\*/g, ':');
* Check whether the comment will be indented.
* @returns {boolean}
isIndented() {
return Boolean(this.indentation);
* The main method that actually processes the code and returns the result.
* @returns {string}
transform() {
return this
* Process (with {@link CommentFormInputTransformer#processCode}) and mask sensitive code,
* updating {@link CommentFormInputTransformer#text}.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
processAndMaskSensitiveCode() {
return this.maskSensitiveCode((code) => this.processCode(code, true));
* Find tags in the code and do something about them.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
findWrappers() {
// Find tags around potential markup.
if (this.indentation) {
const tagMatches = this.text.match(generateTagsRegexp(['[a-z]+'])) || [];
const quoteMatches = this.text.match(cd.g.quoteRegexp) || [];
const matches = tagMatches.concat(quoteMatches);
this.areThereTagsAroundMultipleLines = matches.some((match) => match.includes('\n'));
this.areThereTagsAroundListMarkup = matches.some((match) => /\n[:*#;]/.test(match));
// If the user wrapped the comment in <small></small>, remove the tags to later wrap the
// comment together with the signature into the tags and possibly ensure the correct line
// spacing.
this.wrapInSmall = false;
if (!this.commentForm.headlineInput) {
this.text = this.text.replace(/^<small>([^]*)<\/small>$/i, (s, content) => {
// Filter out <small>text</small><small>text</small>
if (/<\/small>/i.test(content)) {
return s;
this.wrapInSmall = true;
return content;
return this;
* Set the `signature` property. Also fix the code according to it.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
initSignatureAndFixCode() {
if (this.commentForm.omitSignatureCheckbox?.isSelected()) {
this.signature = '';
} else {
this.signature = this.commentForm.getMode() === 'edit' ? :
// Make so that the signature doesn't turn out to be at the end of the last item of the list if
// the comment contains one.
if (
this.signature &&
// The existing signature doesn't start with a newline.
!(this.commentForm.getMode() == 'edit' && /^[ \t]*\n/.test(this.signature)) &&
) {
this.text += '\n';
return this;
* Replace list markup (`:*#;`) with respective tags.
* @param {string} code
* @returns {string}
* @private
listMarkupToTags(code) {
return this.constructor.listToTags(this.constructor.linesToLists(
.map((line) => ({
type: '',
text: line,
* Perform operations with code in an indented comment.
* @param {string} code
* @param {boolean} isWrapped Is the code wrapped.
* @param {boolean} isInTemplate
* @returns {string}
* @private
handleIndentedComment(code, isWrapped, isInTemplate) {
if (!this.indentation) {
return code;
// Remove spaces at the beginning of lines.
code = code.replace(/^ +/gm, '');
// Replace list markup (`:*#;`) with respective tags if otherwise layout will be broken.
if (/^[:*#;]/m.test(code) && (isWrapped || this.restLinesIndentation === '#')) {
if (isInTemplate) {
// Handle cases with no newline before a parameter's content that has a list. This can give
// rare false positives when there is simultaneously a list and a parameter starting with
// `[:^#;]` of a different nature in a template, e.g.
// `{{quote|link=#Section|1=* Item 1.\n* Item 2.\n}}`. Putting that parameter at the end
// will work.
code = code.replace(/\|(?:[^|=}]*=)?(?=[:*#;])/, '$&\n');
code = this.listMarkupToTags(code);
code = code.replace(
// Lines with the list and table markup as well as lines wholly occupied by the file markup
new RegExp(
// Add indentation characters. File markup is tricky because, depending on the alignment and
// line breaks, the result can be very different. The safest way to fight that is to use
// indentation.
(s, newlines, nextLine) => (
// Newline sequences will be replaced with a paragraph template below. It could help
// visual formatting. If there is no paragraph template, there won't be multiple newlines,
// as they will have been removed above.
(newlines.length > 1 ? '\n\n\n' : '\n') +
this.constructor.prependIndentationToLine(this.restLinesIndentation, nextLine)
// Add newlines before and after gallery (yes, even if the comment starts with it).
code = code
.replace(/(^|[^\n])(\x01\d+_gallery\x02)/g, (s, before, m) => before + '\n' + m)
.replace(/\x01\d+_gallery\x02(?=(?:$|[^\n]))/g, (s) => s + '\n');
// Table markup is OK only with colons as indentation characters.
if (this.restLinesIndentation.includes('#') && code.includes('\x03')) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'parse',
code: 'numberedList-table',
if (this.restLinesIndentation === '#') {
if (this.constructor.galleryRegexp.test(code)) {
throw new CdError({
type: 'parse',
code: 'numberedList',
code = code.replace(
// Lines following lines with the list, table, and gallery markup
// Add indentation characters
(s, previousLine, newlines) => (
previousLine +
'\n' +
// Newline sequences will be replaced with a paragraph template below. If there is no
// paragraph template, there wouldn't be multiple newlines, as they would've been removed
// above.
newlines.length > 1 ? '\n\n' : ''
// We we only check for `:` here, not other markup, because we only add `:` in those places.
code = code.replace(
cd.config.paragraphTemplates.length ?
`$1{{${cd.config.paragraphTemplates[0]}}}\n` :
this.areThereTagsAroundMultipleLines ?
`$1<br>\n` :
(s, m1) => (
m1 + '\n' + this.constructor.prependIndentationToLine(this.restLinesIndentation, '')
return code;
* Process newlines by adding or not adding `<br>` and keeping or not keeping the newline. `\x01`
* and `\x02` mean the beginning and ending of sensitive code except for tables. `\x03` and `\x04`
* mean the beginning and ending of a table. Note: This should be kept coordinated with the
* reverse transformation code in {@link CommentSource#toInput}.
* @param {string} code
* @param {boolean} isInTemplate
* @returns {string} code
processNewlines(code, isInTemplate = false) {
const entireLineRegexp = new RegExp(/^\x01\d+_(block|template)\x02 *$/);
const entireLineFromStartRegexp = /^(=+).*\1[ \t]*$|^----/;
const fileRegexp = new RegExp('^' + this.constructor.filePatternEnd, 'i');
let currentLineInTemplates = '';
let nextLineInTemplates = '';
if (isInTemplate) {
currentLineInTemplates = '|=';
nextLineInTemplates = '|\\||}}';
const paragraphTemplatePattern = mw.util.escapeRegExp(`{{${cd.config.paragraphTemplates[0]}}}`);
const currentLineEndingRegexp = new RegExp(
`(?:<${cd.g.pniePattern}(?: [\\w ]+?=[^<>]+?| ?\\/?)>|<\\/${cd.g.pniePattern}>|\\x01\\d+_block\\x02|\\x04|<br[ \\n]*\\/?>|${paragraphTemplatePattern}${currentLineInTemplates}) *$`,
const nextLineBeginningRegexp = new RegExp(
const newlinesRegexp = this.indentation ?
/^(.+)\n(?![:#])(?=(.*))/gm :
/^((?![:*#; ]).+)\n(?![\n:*#; \x03])(?=(.*))/gm;
code = code.replace(newlinesRegexp, (s, currentLine, nextLine) => {
// Remove if it is confirmed that this isn't happening (November 2024)
if (this.indentation && !cd.config.paragraphTemplates.length) {
console.error(`Convenient Discussions: Processing a newline in "${s}" which should be unreachable. You shouldn't be seeing this. If you do, please report to`)
const lineBreakOrNot = (
entireLineRegexp.test(currentLine) ||
entireLineRegexp.test(nextLine) ||
!this.indentation &&
(entireLineFromStartRegexp.test(currentLine) || entireLineFromStartRegexp.test(nextLine))
) ||
fileRegexp.test(currentLine) ||
fileRegexp.test(nextLine) ||
this.constructor.galleryRegexp.test(currentLine) ||
this.constructor.galleryRegexp.test(nextLine) ||
// Removing <br>s after block elements is not a perfect solution as there would be no
// newlines when editing such a comment, but this way we would avoid empty lines in cases
// like "</div><br>".
currentLineEndingRegexp.test(currentLine) ||
) ?
'' :
// Current line can match galleryRegexp only if the comment will not be indented.
const newlineOrNot = this.indentation && !this.constructor.galleryRegexp.test(nextLine) ?
'' :
return currentLine + lineBreakOrNot + newlineOrNot;
return code;
* Make the core code transformations.
* @param {string} code
* @param {boolean} isInTemplate Is the code in a template.
* @returns {string}
* @private
processCode(code, isInTemplate) {
code = this.handleIndentedComment(
isInTemplate || this.areThereTagsAroundListMarkup,
code = this.processNewlines(code, isInTemplate);
return code;
* Make the core code transformations with all code.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
processAllCode() {
this.text = this.processCode(this.text);
return this;
* Add the headline to the code.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
addHeadline() {
const headline = this.commentForm.headlineInput?.getValue().trim();
if (!headline || (this.commentForm.isNewSectionApi() && this.action === 'submit')) {
return this;
let level;
if (this.commentForm.getMode() === 'addSection') {
level = 2;
} else if (this.commentForm.getMode() === 'addSubsection') {
level = + 1;
} else { // 'edit'
level =;
const equalSigns = '='.repeat(level);
if (
this.commentForm.getMode() === 'addSection' ||
// To have pretty diffs.
this.commentForm.getMode() === 'edit' &&
this.commentForm.getTarget().isOpeningSection &&
) {
this.text = '\n' + this.text;
this.text = `${equalSigns} ${headline} ${equalSigns}\n${this.text}`;
return this;
* Add the signature to the code.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
addSignature() {
if (!this.commentForm.omitSignatureCheckbox?.isSelected()) {
// Remove signature tildes from the end of the comment.
this.text = this.text.replace(/\s*~{3,}$/, '');
if (this.action === 'preview' && this.signature) {
this.signature = `<span class="cd-commentForm-signature">${this.signature}</span>`;
// A space in the beggining of the last line, creating <pre>, or a heading.
if (!this.indentation && /(^|\n)[ =].*$/.test(this.text)) {
this.text += '\n';
// Remove starting spaces if the line starts with the signature.
if (!this.text || this.text.endsWith('\n') || this.text.endsWith(' ')) {
this.signature = this.signature.trimLeft();
// Process the small font wrappers, add the signature.
if (this.wrapInSmall) {
const before = /^[:*#; ]/.test(this.text) ?
'\n' + (this.indentation ? this.restLinesIndentation : '') :
if (cd.config.smallDivTemplates.length && !/^[:*#;]/m.test(this.text)) {
const escapedCodeWithSignature = (
escapePipesOutsideLinks(this.text.trim(), this.maskedTexts) +
this.text = `{{${cd.config.smallDivTemplates[0]}|1=${escapedCodeWithSignature}}}`;
} else {
this.text = `<small>${before}${this.text}${this.signature}</small>`;
} else {
this.text += this.signature;
return this;
* Add an outdent template to the beginning of the comment.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
addOutdent() {
if (this.action === 'preview' || ! {
return this;
const outdentDifference = -;
this.text = (
`{{${cd.config.outdentTemplates[0]}|${outdentDifference}}}` +
(/^[:*#]+/.test(this.text) ? '\n' : ' ') +
return this;
* Add a newline to the code.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
addTrailingNewline() {
if (this.commentForm.getMode() !== 'edit') {
this.text += '\n';
return this;
* Add the indentation characters to the code.
* @returns {CommentFormInputTransformer}
* @private
addIntentationChars() {
// If the comment starts with a list or table, replace all asterisks in the indentation
// characters with colons to have the comment HTML generated correctly.
if (this.indentation && this.action !== 'preview' && /^[*#;\x03]/.test(this.text)) {
this.indentation = this.restLinesIndentation;
if (this.action !== 'preview') {
this.text = this.constructor.prependIndentationToLine(this.indentation, this.text);
if (this.mode === 'addSubsection') {
this.text += '\n';
} else if (this.action === 'preview' && this.indentation && this.initialText) {
this.text = this.constructor.prependIndentationToLine(':', this.text);
return this;
static galleryRegexp = /^\x01\d+_gallery\x02$/m;
static listTags = {
':': 'dl',
';': 'dl',
'*': 'ul',
'#': 'ol',
static itemTags = {
':': 'dd',
';': 'dt',
'*': 'li',
'#': 'li',
* Initialize the class.
static init() {
this.filePatternEnd = `\\[\\[${cd.g.filePrefixPattern}.+\\]\\]$`;
* Transform line objects so that they represent lists.
* @param {object[]} lines
* @param {boolean} [isNested=false]
* @returns {object[]}
* @private
static linesToLists(lines, isNested = false) {
let list = { items: [] };
for (let i = 0; i <= lines.length; i++) {
if (i === lines.length) {
if (list.type) {
this.lineToList(lines, i, list, isNested);
} else {
const text = lines[i].text;
const firstChar = text[0] || '';
const listType = this.listTags[firstChar];
if (list.type && listType !== list.type) {
const itemsCount = list.items.length;
this.lineToList(lines, i, list, isNested);
i -= itemsCount - 1;
list = { items: [] };
if (listType) {
list.type = listType;
type: this.itemTags[firstChar],
text: text.slice(1),
return lines;
* Transform one line object, indexed `i`, so that it represents a list. Recursively do the same
* with the lines of that list.
* @param {object[]} lines
* @param {number} i
* @param {object} list
* @param {boolean} [isNested=false]
* @private
static lineToList(lines, i, list, isNested = false) {
if (isNested) {
const previousItemIndex = i - list.items.length - 1;
if (previousItemIndex >= 0) {
const item = {
type: lines[previousItemIndex].type,
items: [lines[previousItemIndex], list],
lines.splice(previousItemIndex, list.items.length + 1, item);
} else {
const item = {
type: lines[0].type,
items: [list],
lines.splice(i - list.items.length, list.items.length, item);
} else {
lines.splice(i - list.items.length, list.items.length, list);
this.linesToLists(list.items, true);
* Convert a list object to a string with HTML tags.
* @param {object[]} lines
* @param {boolean} [isNested=false]
* @returns {string}
* @private
static listToTags(lines, isNested = false) {
let text = '';
lines.forEach((line, i) => {
if (line.text === undefined) {
const itemsText = line.items
.map((item) => {
const itemText = item.text === undefined ?
this.listToTags(item.items, true) :
return item.type ? `<${item.type}>${itemText}</${item.type}>` : itemText;
text += `<${line.type}>${itemsText}</${line.type}>`;
} else {
text += isNested ? line.text.trim() : line.text;
if (i !== lines.length - 1) {
text += '\n';
return text;
* Add indentation chars to the start of a line.
* @param {string} indentation
* @param {string} line
* @returns {string}
static prependIndentationToLine(indentation, line) {
return (
indentation +
(indentation && cd.config.spaceAfterIndentationChars && !/^[:*#;]/.test(line) ? ' ' : '') +
export default CommentFormInputTransformer;