
import CdError from './CdError';
import cd from './cd';
import controller from './controller';
import sectionRegistry from './sectionRegistry';
import settings from './settings';
import Tribute from './tribute/Tribute';
import userRegistry from './userRegistry';
import { handleApiReject } from './utils-api';
import { defined, removeDoubleSpaces, sleep, ucFirst, underlinesToSpaces, unique } from './utils-general';

 * Autocomplete dropdown class.
class Autocomplete {
   * Create an autocomplete instance. An instance is a set of settings and inputs to which these
   * settings apply.
   * @param {object} options
   * @param {Array.<'mentions'|'commentLinks'|'wikilinks'|'templates'|'tags'>} options.types Which
   *   values should be autocompleted.
   * @param {external:TextInputWidget[]} options.inputs Inputs to attach the autocomplete to. Please
   *   note that these should be CD's {@link TextInputWidget}s, not
   *   {@link external:OO.ui.TextInputWidget OO.ui.TextInputWidget}s, since we use CD's method
   *   {@link TextInputWidget#cdInsertContent} on the inputs here. This is not essential, so if you
   *   borrow the source code, you can replace it with native
   *   {@link external:OO.ui.TextInputWidget#insertContent OO.ui.TextInputWidget#insertContent}.
   * @param {string[]} [options.comments] List of comments in the section for the mentions and
   *   comment links autocomplete.
   * @param {string[]} [options.defaultUserNames] Default list of user names for the mentions
   *   autocomplete.
  constructor({ types, inputs, comments, defaultUserNames }) {
    this.types = settings.get('autocompleteTypes');
    this.useTemplateData = settings.get('useTemplateData');

    // The `mentions` type is needed in any case as it can be triggered from the toolbar. When it is
    // not, we will suppress it specifically.
    types = types.filter((type) => this.types.includes(type) || type === 'mentions');

    const collections = this.getCollections(types, comments, defaultUserNames);

     * {@link Tribute} object.
     * @type {Tribute}
    this.tribute = new Tribute({
      collection: collections,
      allowSpaces: true,
      menuItemLimit: 10,
      noMatchTemplate: () => null,
      containerClass: 'tribute-container cd-autocompleteContainer',
      replaceTextSuffix: '',
      direction: cd.g.contentDirection,

     * Inputs that have the autocomplete attached.
     * @type {external:OO.ui.TextInputWidget[]}
     * @private
    this.inputs = inputs;

   * Initialize autocomplete for the inputs.
  init() {

    this.inputs.forEach((input) => {
      const element = input.$input[0];
      element.cdInput = input;
      element.addEventListener('tribute-active-true', () => {
        this.constructor.activeMenu =;
      element.addEventListener('tribute-active-false', () => {
        delete this.constructor.activeMenu;
      if (input instanceof OO.ui.MultilineTextInputWidget) {
        input.on('resize', () => {

   * Clean up event handlers.
  cleanUp() {
    this.inputs.forEach((input) => {

   * Get the list of collections of specified types.
   * @param {string[]} types
   * @param {string[]} comments
   * @param {string[]} defaultUserNames
   * @returns {object[]}
   * @private
  getCollections(types, comments, defaultUserNames) {
    const selectTemplate = (item) => item ? item.original.transform(item.original.item) : '';
    const prepareValues = (arr, config) => (
        .map((item) => {
          let key;
          if (Array.isArray(item)) {
            // Tags
            key = item[0];
          } else if (item.key) {
            // Comment links
            key = item.key;
          } else {
            // The rest
            key = item;
          const transform = config.transform;
          return { key, item, transform };

    const spacesRegexp = new RegExp(cd.mws('word-separator', { language: 'content' }), 'g');
    const allNssPattern = Object.keys(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds')).filter((ns) => ns).join('|');
    const allNamespacesRegexp = new RegExp(`^:?(?:${allNssPattern}):`, 'i');

    const collectionsByType = {
      mentions: {
        label: cd.s('cf-autocomplete-mentions-label'),
        trigger: cd.config.mentionCharacter,
        searchOpts: { skip: true },
        requireLeadingSpace: cd.config.mentionRequiresLeadingSpace,
        values: async (text, callback) => {
          if (!this.types.includes('mentions') && !this.tribute.current.externalTrigger) {

          text = removeDoubleSpaces(text);

          if (!text.startsWith(this.mentions.snapshot)) {
            this.mentions.cache = [];
          this.mentions.snapshot = text;

          if (this.mentions.byText[text]) {
            callback(prepareValues(this.mentions.byText[text], this.mentions));
          } else {
            const matches =, this.mentions.default);
            let values = matches.slice();

            const makeRequest = (
              text &&
              text.length <= 85 &&
              !/[#<>[\]|{}/@:]/.test(text) &&

              // 5 spaces in a user name seem too many. "Jack who built the house" has 4 :-)
              (text.match(spacesRegexp) || []).length <= 4

            if (makeRequest) {
              // Logically, either `matched` or `this.mentions.cache` should have a zero length (a
              // request is made only if there are no matches in the section; if there are,
              // `this.mentions.cache` is an empty array).
              if (!matches.length) {
              values =, values);

              // Make the typed text always appear on the last, 10th place.
              values[9] = text.trim();

            callback(prepareValues(values, this.mentions));

            if (makeRequest && !matches.length) {
              let values;
              try {
                values = await this.constructor.getRelevantUserNames(text);
              } catch {

              // Type "[[Text", then delete and type "<s" quickly.
              if (!this.tribute.current || this.tribute.current.trigger !== '@') return;

              this.mentions.cache = values.slice();

              // Make the typed text always appear on the last, 10th place.
              values[9] = text.trim();

              this.mentions.byText[text] = values;

              // The text has been updated since the request was made.
              if (this.mentions.snapshot !== text) return;

              callback(prepareValues(values, this.mentions));

      commentLinks: {
        label: cd.s('cf-autocomplete-commentlinks-label'),
        trigger: '[[#',
        keepAsEnd: /^\]\]/,
        values: async (text, callback) => {
          if (!this.commentLinks.default) {
            this.commentLinks.default = [];
            this.commentLinks.comments.forEach((comment) => {
              let { id, dtId, author, timestamp } = comment;
              let snippet;
              const snippetMaxLength = 80;
              if (comment.getText().length > snippetMaxLength) {
                snippet = comment.getText().slice(0, snippetMaxLength);
                const wordSeparator = cd.mws('word-separator', { language: 'content' });
                const spacePos = snippet.lastIndexOf(wordSeparator);
                if (spacePos !== -1) {
                  snippet = snippet.slice(0, spacePos);
                  const lastChar = snippet[snippet.length - 1];
                  if (/[.…,;!?:-—–]/.test(lastChar)) {
                    snippet += ' ';
                  snippet += cd.s('ellipsis');
              } else {
                snippet = comment.getText();
              let authorTimestamp = author.getName();
              if (timestamp) {
                authorTimestamp += cd.mws('comma-separator', { language: 'content' }) + timestamp;
              const colon = cd.mws('colon-separator', { language: 'content' });
              const key = authorTimestamp + colon + snippet;
                id: dtId || id,
                author: author.getName(),
            sectionRegistry.getAll().forEach((section) => {
                key: underlinesToSpaces(,
                id: underlinesToSpaces(,
                headline: section.headline,

          text = removeDoubleSpaces(text);
          if (/[#<>[\]|{}]/.test(text)) {
          const matches =
            .filter(text, this.commentLinks.default, { extract: (el) => el.key })
            .map((match) => match.original);
          callback(prepareValues(matches, this.commentLinks));

      wikilinks: {
        label: cd.s('cf-autocomplete-wikilinks-label'),
        trigger: '[[',
        keepAsEnd: /^(?:\||\]\])/,
        searchOpts: { skip: true },
        values: async (text, callback) => {
          text = removeDoubleSpaces(text);

          if (!text.startsWith(this.wikilinks.snapshot)) {
            this.wikilinks.cache = [];
          this.wikilinks.snapshot = text;

          if (this.wikilinks.byText[text]) {
            callback(prepareValues(this.wikilinks.byText[text], this.wikilinks));
          } else {
            let values = [];
            const valid = (
              text &&
              text !== ':' &&
              text.length <= 255 &&

              // 10 spaces in a page name seems too many.
              (text.match(spacesRegexp) || []).length <= 9 &&

              // Forbidden characters
              !/[#<>[\]|{}]/.test(text) &&

              // Interwikis
              !((/^:/.test(text) || /^[a-z-]\w*:/.test(text)) && !allNamespacesRegexp.test(text))
            if (valid) {
              values =, values);

              // Make the typed text always appear on the last, 10th place.
              values[9] = text.trim();

            callback(prepareValues(values, this.wikilinks));

            if (valid) {
              let values;
              try {
                values = await this.constructor.getRelevantPageNames(text);
              } catch {

              // Type "[[Text", then delete and type "<s" quickly.
              if (!this.tribute.current || this.tribute.current.trigger !== '[[') return;

              this.wikilinks.cache = values.slice();

              // Make the typed text always appear on the last, 10th place.
              values[9] = text.trim();

              this.wikilinks.byText[text] = values;

              // The text has been updated since the request was made.
              if (this.wikilinks.snapshot !== text) return;

              callback(prepareValues(values, this.wikilinks));

      templates: {
        label: cd.s('cf-autocomplete-templates-label'),
        trigger: '{{',
        keepAsEnd: /^(?:\||\}\})/,
        searchOpts: { skip: true },
        selectTemplate: (item, event) => {
          if (item) {
            if (this.useTemplateData && event.shiftKey && !event.altKey) {
              const input = this.tribute.current.element.cdInput;

              setTimeout(() => {

                  action: 'templatedata',
                  titles: `Template:${item.original.key}`,
                  redirects: true,
                    (resp) => {
                      if (!resp.pages) {
                        throw 'No data.';
                      } else if (!Object.keys(resp.pages).length) {
                        throw 'Template missing.';
                      } else {
                        return resp;
                    (resp) => {
                      const pages = resp.pages;

                      let paramsString = '';
                      let firstValueIndex = 0;
                      Object.keys(pages).forEach((key) => {
                        const template = pages[key];
                        const params = template.params || [];
                        const paramNames = template.paramOrder || Object.keys(params);
                          .filter((param) => params[param].required || params[param].suggested)
                          .forEach((param) => {
                            if (template.format === 'block') {
                              paramsString += `\n| ${param} = `;
                            } else {
                              if (isNaN(param)) {
                                paramsString += `|${param}=`;
                              } else {
                                paramsString += `|`;
                            firstValueIndex ||= paramsString.length;
                        if (template.format === 'block' && paramsString) {
                          paramsString += '\n';

                      // Remove leading "|".
                      paramsString = paramsString.slice(1);

                      const caretIndex = input.getRange().to;
                        .selectRange(caretIndex + firstValueIndex - 1);
                    () => {
                  .always(() => {

            return item.original.transform(item.original.item);
          } else {
            return '';
        values: async (text, callback) => {
          text = removeDoubleSpaces(text);

          if (!text.startsWith(this.templates.snapshot)) {
            this.templates.cache = [];
          this.templates.snapshot = text;

          if (text.includes('{{')) {

          if (this.templates.byText[text]) {
            callback(prepareValues(this.templates.byText[text], this.templates));
          } else {
            let values = [];
            const makeRequest = (
              text &&
              text.length <= 255 &&
              !/[#<>[\]|{}]/.test(text) &&

              // 10 spaces in a page name seems too many.
              (text.match(spacesRegexp) || []).length <= 9
            if (makeRequest) {
              values =, values);

              // Make the typed text always appear on the last, 10th place.
              values[9] = text.trim();

            callback(prepareValues(values, this.templates));

            if (makeRequest) {
              let values;
              try {
                values = await this.constructor.getRelevantTemplateNames(text);
              } catch {

              // Type "{{Text", then delete and type "<s" quickly.
              if (!this.tribute.current || this.tribute.current.trigger !== '{{') return;

              this.templates.cache = values.slice();

              // Make the typed text always appear on the last, 10th place.
              values[9] = text.trim();

              this.templates.byText[text] = values;

              // The text has been updated since the request was made.
              if (this.templates.snapshot !== text) return;

              callback(prepareValues(values, this.templates));

      tags: {
        label: cd.s('cf-autocomplete-tags-label'),
        trigger: '<',
        keepAsEnd: /^>/,
        replaceEnd: false,
        searchOpts: { skip: true },
        values: (text, callback) => {
          const regexp = new RegExp('^' + mw.util.escapeRegExp(text), 'i');
          if (!text || !/^[a-z]+$/i.test(text)) {
          const matches = this.tags.default.filter((tag) => regexp.test(tag));
          callback(prepareValues(matches, this.tags));

    const params = {
      mentions: defaultUserNames,
      commentLinks: comments,
    const collections = => {
      this[type] = this.constructor.getConfig(type, params[type]);
      return collectionsByType[type];

    return collections;

  static delay = 100;

   * _For internal use._ Get an autocomplete configuration for the specified type.
   * @param {string} type
   * @param {...*} args
   * @returns {object}
  static getConfig(type, ...args) {
    let config;
    switch (type) {
      case 'mentions': {
        config = {
          byText: {},
          cache: [],
          default: args[0],
          transform: (item) => {
            const name = item.trim();
            const user = userRegistry.get(name);
            const userNamespace = user.getNamespaceAlias();
            const pageName = user.isRegistered() ?
              `${userNamespace}:${name}` :
            return {
              start: `@[[${pageName}|`,
              end: name.match(/[(,]/) ? `${name}]]` : ']]',
              content: name,
              skipContentCheck: (data) => !data.start.includes('/'),
              cmdModify: function () {
                this.end += cd.mws('colon-separator', { language: 'content' });

      case 'commentLinks': {
        config = {
          comments: args[0] || [],
          transform: ({ id, author, timestamp, headline }) => ({
            start: `[[#${id}|`,
            end: ']]',
            content: timestamp ?
              cd.s('cf-autocomplete-commentlinks-text', author, timestamp) :

      case 'wikilinks': {
        config = {
          byText: {},
          cache: [],
          transform: (name) => {
            name = name.trim();
            return {
              start: '[[' + name,
              end: ']]',
              shiftModify: function () {
                this.start += '|';
                this.content =;

      case 'templates': {
        config = {
          byText: {},
          cache: [],
          transform: (name) => {
            name = name.trim();
            return {
              start: '{{' + name,
              end: '}}',
              shiftModify: function () {
                this.start += '|';

      case 'tags': {
        const tagAdditions = [
          // An element can be an array of a string to display and strings to insert before and
          // after the caret.
          ['br', '<br>'],
          ['codenowiki', '<code><nowiki>', '</'.concat('nowiki></code>')],
          ['hr', '<hr>'],
          ['wbr', '<wbr>'],
          ['gallery', '<gallery>\n', '\n</gallery>'],
          ['references', '<references />'],
          ['section', '<section />'],
          ['syntaxhighlight lang=""', '<syntaxhighlight lang="', '">\n\n</syntaxhighlight>'],
            'syntaxhighlight inline lang=""',
            '<syntaxhighlight inline lang="', '"></syntaxhighlight>',
          ['syntaxhighlight', '<syntaxhighlight>\n', '\n</syntaxhighlight>'],
          ['templatestyles', '<templatestyles src="', '" />'],
        const defaultTags = cd.g.allowedTags.filter((tagString) => !(
          tagAdditions.find((tagArray) => tagArray[0] === tagString)

        config = {
          default: defaultTags.concat(tagAdditions),
          transform: (item) => ({
            start: Array.isArray(item) ? item[1] : `<${item}>`,
            end: Array.isArray(item) ? item[2] : `</${item}>`,
            typeContent: true,
        config.default.sort((item1, item2) => {
          const s1 = typeof item1 === 'string' ? item1 : item1[0];
          const s2 = typeof item2 === 'string' ? item2 : item2[0];
          return s1 > s2;

    return config;

   * Get the active autocomplete menu element.
   * @returns {Element}
  static getActiveMenu() {
    return this.activeMenu;

   * Get a list of 10 user names matching the specified search text. User names are sorted as
   * {@link OpenSearch} sorts them. Only users with a
   * talk page existent are included. Redirects are resolved.
   * Reuses the existing request if available.
   * @param {string} text
   * @returns {Promise.<string[]>}
   * @throws {CdError}
  static getRelevantUserNames(text) {
    text = ucFirst(text);
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
    const promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      await sleep(this.delay);
      try {
        if (promise !== this.currentPromise) {
          throw new CdError();

        // First, try to use the search to get only users that have talk pages. Most legitimate
        // users do, while spammers don't.
        const resp = await controller.getApi().get({
          action: 'opensearch',
          search: text,
          namespace: 3,
          redirects: 'resolve',
          limit: 10,

        const users = resp[1]
          ?.map((name) => (name.match(cd.g.userNamespacesRegexp) || [])[1])
          .filter((name) => !name.includes('/'));

        if (users.length) {
        } else {
          // If we didn't succeed with search, try the entire users database.
          const resp = await controller.getApi().get({
            action: 'query',
            list: 'allusers',
            auprefix: text,

          const users = =>;
      } catch (e) {
    this.currentPromise = promise;

    return promise;

   * Get a list of 10 page names matching the specified search text. Page names are sorted as
   * {@link OpenSearch} sorts them. Redirects are not
   * resolved.
   * Reuses the existing request if available.
   * @param {string} text
   * @returns {Promise.<string[]>}
   * @throws {CdError}
  static getRelevantPageNames(text) {
    let colonPrefix = false;
    if (cd.g.colonNamespacesPrefixRegexp.test(text)) {
      text = text.slice(1);
      colonPrefix = true;

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
    const promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      await sleep(this.delay);
      try {
        if (promise !== this.currentPromise) {
          throw new CdError();

          action: 'opensearch',
          search: text,
          redirects: 'return',
          limit: 10,
          (resp) => {
            const regexp = new RegExp('^' + mw.util.escapeRegExp(text[0]), 'i');
            const pages = resp[1]?.map((name) => (
                .replace(regexp, () => text[0])
                .replace(/^/, colonPrefix ? ':' : '')

          (e) => {
      } catch (e) {
    this.currentPromise = promise;

    return promise;

   * Get a list of 10 template names matching the specified search text. Template names are sorted as
   * {@link OpenSearch} sorts them. Redirects are not
   * resolved.
   * Reuses the existing request if available.
   * @param {string} text
   * @returns {Promise.<string[]>}
   * @throws {CdError}
  static getRelevantTemplateNames(text) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
    const promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      await sleep(this.delay);
      try {
        if (promise !== this.currentPromise) {
          throw new CdError();

          action: 'opensearch',
          search: text.startsWith(':') ? text.slice(1) : 'Template:' + text,
          redirects: 'return',
          limit: 10,
          (resp) => {
            const regexp = new RegExp('^' + mw.util.escapeRegExp(text[0]), 'i');
            const templates = resp[1]
              ?.filter((name) => !/(\/doc|\.css)$/.test(name))
              .map((name) => text.startsWith(':') ? name : name.slice(name.indexOf(':') + 1))
              .map((name) => name.replace(regexp, () => text[0]));

          (e) => {
      } catch (e) {
    this.currentPromise = promise;

    return promise;

   * Search for a string in a list of values.
   * @param {string} string
   * @param {string[]} list
   * @returns {string[]} Matched results.
   * @private
  static search(string, list) {
    const containsRegexp = new RegExp(mw.util.escapeRegExp(string), 'i');
    const startsWithRegexp = new RegExp('^' + mw.util.escapeRegExp(string), 'i');
    return list
      .filter((item) => containsRegexp.test(item))
      .sort((item1, item2) => startsWithRegexp.test(item2) - startsWithRegexp.test(item1));

export default Autocomplete;