tim - CAPTCHA test

This is Tim's captcha proposal from 2014. It adds a gradiant that resists naive thresholding. It also "Reduce k, increase wob scale, increase rr fuzz..to more reliably bend the baseline". See git change df4806c64c48c2cd2 and 6f286e52db22dc6a

Note, this uses the DejaVuSans font, instead of the FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf that Wikipedia currently uses

View other captcha tests: Current captcha | Tim's proposal | Tim's captcha without gradiant | Current captcha with OCR rejection | Using negative kerning and less harriness [Bawolff's proposal] | Negative kerning and harriness

Tesseract (off the shelf. No special training) success on this set is 0 (out of 200) or 0 %