setB - CAPTCHA test

This is the captcha currently in use on Wikipedia

Note, this uses the DejaVuSans font, instead of the FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf that Wikipedia currently uses

View other captcha tests: Current captcha | Tim's proposal | Tim's captcha without gradiant | Current captcha with OCR rejection | Using negative kerning and less harriness [Bawolff's proposal] | Negative kerning and harriness | Only random lines and kerning | Others

Tesseract 3.03 (off the shelf. No special training. Using -psm 13 -c tessedit_char_whitelist=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.) success on this set is 66 (out of 200) or 33.0 %. However later versions of tesseract that support -psm 13 may be even better)